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Paris Hilton revealed that she was a victim of sexual abuse as a teenager

On June 26, Paris Hilton shared her history of sexual abuse in the United States Congress, revealing shocking details of what he experienced as a teenager when he was studying at Provo Canyon High School.

The famous businesswoman She described how she was forced to take medication and abused by Provo Canyon High School employees.who subjected her to inhuman treatment that marked her forever.

Through her testimony, Paris seeks to raise awareness about the importance of modernizing child welfare programs to protect young people from situations similar to those she experienced.

During her speech at the Congressional committee, Paris Hilton broke down in tears as she recalled the difficult times she faced at the hands of the people who were supposed to protect her.

“I was forced to take medication and sexually abused. I was violently restrained and dragged through the hallways, stripped naked and placed in solitary confinement,” Paris said through tears, adding that “several school employees would make us lie down on the table and insert their fingers into us.”

In the midst of his statements, Paris Hilton highlighted the importance of regulating and closely supervising organizations that are responsible for the well-being of young people, to avoid abuses like those she suffered.She said families trust these institutions to care for their children, but in her case, the system failed and her parents were deceived by a non-profit industry that subjected her to inhumane treatment.

“The State has a responsibility to protect young people and ensure that they receive the care and attention they need”Paris Hilton told the congressional committee.

Her testimony also included the case of a 16-year-old girl murdered in a public shelter for having “innocently thrown a sandwich in the cafeteria (…) She was killed on the floor of the dining room in front of dozens of children. The State could have prevented this.”

In addition to exposing flaws in the child welfare system, Paris Hilton emphasized the importance of providing financial support to families to prevent them from having to resort to shelters.. The high cost of keeping a young person in one of these facilities compared to care in their own communities was questioned, and attention was drawn to the need to prioritize the protection of young people over business profits.

“It costs approximately US$800 to US$1,000 a day to place a young person in a care facility, which is significantly more than it would cost to care for them in their own communities. What is more important, protecting corporate profits or protecting the lives of young people?” he added.

Finally, Paris Hilton noted that these centers promise “healing, growth and support for young people,” but in her experience, they never gave her the opportunity to feel free or even look out a window for two years. For this reason, He called on Congress to improve services and support for young people who really need it.




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