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Mario Irivarren spoke for the first time about his feud with Alejandra Baigorria: “I have my own reasons”

Mario Irivarren spoke for the first time about his feud with Alejandra Baigorria: “I have my own reasons.” | América TV.

The recent enmity between Alejandra Baigorria and Mario Irivarren has captured the attention of many followers of the program ‘This is war’Initially, it was speculated that the businesswoman’s frequent confrontations with Onelia Molina were the cause of the tension. However, the model revealed in an interview for ‘Estás en Todas’ that there are deeper reasons behind the fight they are having.

The continuous disputes between Alejandra and Onelia in the reality show generated a wave of comments on social networks. During these conflicts, Mario Irivarren He always showed a look of annoyance, which increased speculation about a possible distance between the former competitors of the defunct program ‘Combate’. This Saturday, Mario decided to break the silence and share the truth about his relationship with Alejandra Baigorria.

“Due to the format of the program, which was to confront each other and clash, tension was generated. It is an episode that has more details than what is seen on television, there are internal issues,” explained the member of ‘This is war’suggesting that the tensions of the reality show were just the tip of the iceberg of a more complex conflict.

Mario Irivarren spoke about his fight with Alejandra Baigorria in ‘You’re in All’. (Photo: Capture of América TV)

Mario Irivarren He clarified that his situation with Alejandra is not one of pure enmity. “It’s not that I’m fighting or upset with Alejandra (…) I have my own reasons. I have an issue with Ale that we will talk about one day and that is not directly related to Onelia,” he said, pointing out that there are personal matters that need to be resolved off-camera.

Despite the conflicts, the member of ‘This is war’ He stressed that he maintains a good relationship with Said Palao, Alejandra’s partner. “Said and I have a good relationship because we know how to separate different situations,” she said, underscoring the importance of keeping personal relationships separate from professional conflicts.

The model also stressed the need to speak with Alejandra in person to resolve any misunderstandings. “Things have happened that I didn’t like and one day we will talk about it. It’s not that there is an enmity,” he reiterated, leaving open the possibility that they could reconcile in the near future.

Alejandra Baigorria sends a strong message to Onelia Molina for separating Mario Irivarren from his friends. America TV.

Likewise, when the reporter asked him if he believes that Alejandra Baigorria will invite him to her marriage with Said Palao, he responded as follows: “I don’t know, it depends on them, but I think so.”

However, when he brought up the idea that the blonde businesswoman would not like him to be accompanied by Onelia Molinathe model indicated that if he were to find himself in such a position, what he would try to do is reach a consensus.

“I think that we can talk about it. I think that at a certain point we have to leave behind the differences that arose from a particular situation. It’s not like this has escalated to a point where there is no turning back,” he said.

Alejandra Baigorria and all the details of her wedding with Said Palao. Instagram.

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