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Natalia Jiménez denounced that a Hollywood restaurant discriminated against her for speaking Spanish

Natalia Jiménez denounced that a Hollywood restaurant discriminated against her for speaking Spanish EFE/Antoni Belchi/Archive

Singer Natalia Jimenez he became a new victim of racial discrimination that frequently affects Hispanics in the United States. This happened after she was kicked out of a restaurant in Los Angeles simply for speaking Spanish.

The interpreter of ‘Creo en mí’ recounted her experience through a publication on social networks in which she described how they took her out of the restaurant Gigi’s Hollywood in Los Angeles while having a conversation in Spanish on Facetime with his daughter alessandra.

The voice of “El sol no regresa” revealed that he had suffered discrimination in the past, but never to the extent of this incident. She complained about other diners speaking in high volume English without receiving any complaints.

It is not the first time that I feel that I am being discriminated against for speaking Spanish in the United States, but today has been incredible!! I was talking to my daughter on FaceTime in the restaurant and it turns out that the people in the restaurant were bothered to such a degree that they threw me out of the restaurant, having next to me a table with four girls who were talking louder than me !!! It bothered them that she was speaking in Spanish, ”wrote the artist.

Natalia Jiménez denounced that Gigi’s Hollywood restaurant discriminated against her for speaking in Spanish

“Don’t come here! Terrible attention to Latinos. They have them working there, but they don’t want us as clients”, sentenced the singer.

For more than a decade, “La Quinta Estación” was one of the most popular Spanish music groups for songs like “Me muero” and “El sol no regresa”, which are still current and have won several international awards.

Despite the great success, the Spanish band ended up breaking up in 2010. After this, while Natalia Jimenez He began a career as a soloist with which he toured several cities in Latin America and Spain.

In February, users on social networks began to speculate about a possible return of “The fifth station” after a decade of absence from the stage.

The Fifth Station returns in 2024. (Capture YouTube: laquintaestacion)

These rumors were confirmed by Natalia Jimenezwho used his Instagram account on February 3 to announce that the most successful Spanish band of the new century is back.

“Today I have to make this little statement. The truth is that I had planned to do it within a year, which was when we were planning a big surprise for all of you. We had this surprise that we had, as well as super hidden and we had it in absolute secrecy, but hey, it seems that they wanted to spoil the surprise for us, but they could not ”, began the 41-year-old from Madrid.

“Today I am here to ask you if you would be ready for the true return of La Quinta Estación. Do it here in the comments, let us know what you think. See you in 2024? ”, She sentenced.

In the same way, the singer made it clear that the rumors were true and that someone would have tried to take advantage of the announcement that they did not make, so they were forced to do it sooner than expected.

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