Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity in : why it is celebrated on October 12

Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity in : why it is celebrated on October 12
Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity in Argentina: why it is celebrated on October 12


He Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity commemorates the October 12 in in order to raise awareness about the importance of disseminating the different values ​​and customs of the nation’s native peoples. For years, the date was named after the “Columbus Day”in memory of the arrival of the colonizers to America in 1492. However, in 2010 it was modified to give it a respectful meaning, which highlights the country’s identity.

In Latin America this day is celebrated through different initiatives. Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua do it under the name of “Columbus Day.” In Bolivia, “Decolonization Day” is celebrated, while calls it “Pluricultural Nation Day.” For its part, in Peru it is the “Day of Indigenous Peoples and Intercultural Dialogue” and in Venezuela, the “Day of Indigenous Resistance”.

He Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity it’s a national transferable holidaybut since this year it falls on a Saturday the day is not changed. In any case, the national government established a holiday for tourist purposes in it friday the 11thso there will be a long weekend.

The origin of this day dates back to August 3, 1492, when Christopher Columbus He began his expedition across the Atlantic Ocean in order to reach India. The ships chosen for this mission were the three caravels Saint Mary, Girl and Pintawhich departed from Puerto de Palos, Spain.

After months of traveling, the October 12 of that same year, the sailor Rodrigo de Triana ―who was aboard La Pinta― was the first to announce land in sight. The boat arrived at Guanahani Islandcurrently known as San Salvadorfrom the Bahamas archipelago.

The kings of Spain had promised a payment of 10,000 maravedis, a Spanish currency that was used at that time, to anyone who sighted land. However, this discovery was attributed to Colónwho had noted hours before in his diary the visualization of the island.

When Christopher Columbus set foot in the Bahamas, the islands would have already been inhabited more than 200 years ago.

This day became one of the most important events in world history. This anniversary was long celebrated as the “Columbus Day” in several Latin American countries. However, as the years passed, their true meaning was reflected on and many nations chose to highlight the indigenous identity of the territory, which existed before this date, and not the action of conquest by European nations. It is so It seeks to promote the dissemination and memory of the different cultures that coexist throughout the continent.

According to the Universal Declaration of UNESCO on Cultural Diversity, cultural diversity it’s a fundamental heritage of humanitysince “it expands the alternatives; nourishes diverse capacities, human values ​​and worldviews; and allow the wisdom of the past to prepare us for the future.” This organization declares that all countries have the right to celebrate their own culture, history and traditionsin a unique and respectful way with others. Mutual tolerance and dissemination of different customs in the world are other of its clear objectives.

In our country, it has been decided to change the “Columbus Day” to this new name, in order to remember all the towns and communities that were in the national territory at the time of the arrival of the colonizers to America.


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