Putin meets with Miguel Díaz-Canel

Putin meets with Miguel Díaz-Canel
Putin meets with Miguel Díaz-Canel

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, held a face-to-face meeting this Thursday with his Cuban counterpart, Miguel Díaz-Canel, to address the development of bilateral relations between both nations in the diplomatic, political and economic spheres.

“For us, this visit, like the previous ones, to the Russian Federation was always a satisfaction and a moment of learning,” declared Díaz-Canel at the beginning of his speech and immediately gave Putin a congratulatory letter from Army General Raúl Castro. .

“Today has been a privilege, I tell you with all sincerity, to have the opportunity to be with you,” he continued. “It is an undoubtedly very important date for the Russian people and for all humanity […] with the ideal that the USSR defended at that time, something that has enormous validity in the current moments when it comes to decontextualizing the history of the people in order to advance that hegemonic, imperial, cultural policy carried out by the US Government. “U.S.,” he added.

According to Díaz-Canel, his country is the target of a “maximum pressure policy” by Washington. He indicated that, at the same time, in the world there is a “media intoxication of the Cuban revolution in the same way that is done to Russia.” In addition, he highlighted the “tightening of the US blockade [contra Cuba] in the last four years.” He reiterated that Moscow “will always count on the support” of Havana.

In response, Putin recalled that “Cuban patriots also participated in the war against Nazism, they fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.” “We remember it, we know it and we will always have great respect for those who stood alongside our parents, great-grandparents, shoulder to shoulder fighting together against Nazism,” he said.

The Cuban president, who has been visiting Russia since Tuesday, attended the military parade in Moscow this day for the Day of Victory over Nazi Germany and laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in front of the Kremlin wall. to honor the memory of those who fell in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), together with the leaders of other nations.

This is Díaz-Canel’s fourth visit to Russia, after those in 2018, 2019 and 2022, which were marked by business, commercial and cultural agreements, among others.

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