Public Map with Chilean Traffic Accident Data Launched

Public Map with Chilean Traffic Accident Data Launched
Public Map with Chilean Traffic Accident Data Launched

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Initiative promoted by Holland House Chile and developed between some member companies of the National Pact for Road Safety and VIA Software, provides information of interest georeferenced with the statistics of road accidents in our country.

In Chile, the map is available thanks to the support of the companies AB Inbev, Abastible and Buses Vule, as well as Mutual de Seguridad, all of them members of the National Pact for Road Safety.

This Map is generated through VIA software, developed in the Netherlands by the company VIA Traffic Solutions Software. This tool allows in-depth analysis of road safety at the national and local level, with the support of ready-to-use maps, graphs and tables, as well as easy-to-understand analytical reports generated by the system. The software summarizes VIA’s 40 years of experience in traffic management and road safety. This software is used by 350 road administrators in the Netherlands.

The Public Map, available thanks to this alliance, can be accessed from This Map contains the information published by Carabineros de Chile on its Active Transparency site, with the statistics as of December 31, 2023, and allows it to be organized for a graphic display that facilitates the understanding of the data on road accidents, location and consequences.

The Public Map can be used for investigative, promotional, communication and management purposes of authorities at the local level, thanks to the simplified display of data on accidents and their consequences. In addition, the public map will allow downloading the BLIQ report, an automated report that contains data and analysis on the number of accidents, injuries and deaths; ages of the victims; location of the incidents and their critical points; types of vehicles involved, days and times of occurrence of the accidents, useful data for the definition of public policies at the national and local level.

Giedo Donkers, CEO VIA Software, points out: “We are happy to have been able to launch this project and grateful for the support of the sponsoring companies. It is a good step to have easy-to-understand data, available so that citizens can use it for their benefit, and thereby ensure that road safety is improving in their environment. We hope this helps municipalities and other actors to understand more easily and deeply the problem that traffic accidents represent. The next step is to ensure that road safety improves for people in Chile, focusing solutions and resources in places where they are necessary, in order to improve people’s quality of life.”

Impressions of the sponsoring companies

“At Cervecería AB InBev we value this initiative that directly connects with the cultural pillars of our company such as active listening, collaboration and long-term vision, under the faithful purpose of contributing to improving the quality of life and safety not only of our community in Quilicura where our brewery is located, but throughout the country. At the same time, this is an example that through public-private cooperation we can advance initiatives that generate value, positive impact and real benefits for people,” said Roberto Parra, Manager of Corporate Affairs and Positive Impact at Cervecería AB. InBev, one of the sponsoring companies of this initiative.

For her part, Andrea Díaz, deputy road safety manager at Mutual de Seguridad, indicates: “As Mutual de Seguridad, we are very committed to road safety through our deputy management, since the majority of accidents involving workers associated with Mutual, occur in road space. This is why it is essential for us to be able to contribute to initiatives that generate a culture of road safety and also that we can use this information to be able to generate our own policies, as a company, regarding travel and work accidents associated with traffic. For all this we wanted to join this great initiative.”

Furthermore, Cristián Solé, Operations Manager of Abastible, indicates: “At Abastible we joined the National Pact for Road Safety in 2022, where we have learned many good practices that have nourished our Road Safety Plan, which we launched in 2023. The Last year, we learned about VIA software and their excellent solution to help solve the huge pain that comes with analyzing accident data. For this reason, we decided to support this initiative, and also incorporate this into our own analyzes and the routing decisions of our vehicles, which make 1,000 routes every day, traveling 1 million kilometers per month. We hope that this will help us manage our operation and positively impact the well-being and life of our workers, the communities we visit every day and obviously on the assets of our company.”

Antonio Villalobos, Finance and Public Affairs Manager of Buses Vule, said: “At Buses Vule we make 20 million trips per month, through 28 of the 34 communes of the Metropolitan Region, which gives us a deep knowledge of the routes and those points that we see pose a challenge. As a company we are part of this initiative with the objective that people and municipalities can have access to road accident data for free, easy to view and consult, which helps to make better decisions in the parts of the city where they occur. accidents and thus be able to reach the goal of 0 fatality.”

Paid version of the software

Like other computer solutions, such as Google services, VIA offers this free version, through the sponsorship of the aforementioned companies. In addition, it is possible to access customization options in the implementation and support, thus understanding “road safety as a service”, for different management objectives of private companies and public organizations.

VIA Software and multisector work

Part of the recommendations of the United Nations, through the Global Plan of the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety, to advance road safety, are related to data and its management. Following these guidelines, our country’s National Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 incorporates data management and its multisectoral approach as an important action, involving national organizations, law enforcement, local governments and other interested parties. .

That is why the VIA Software company is holding meetings with Regional Governments, Municipalities and other public and private organizations at the national level to show the potential that VIA Software has to support and facilitate the work they do on mobility and road safety. the different governments (national, regional and local), in addition to providing support for the development of the capabilities of their teams.

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