“It is a priority to protect guards and people from Inpec,” says Governor and insists on keeping gang leaders incommunicado

Santiago de Cali, May 17, 2024. After regretting the murder of retired Colonel Elmer Fernández, director of the Cárcel la Modelo in Bogotá, the governor of Valle del Cauca, Dilian Francisca Toro, emphatically reiterated the urgent call to the national government to guarantee the protection of the officials who have been threatened by criminal groups and thus avoid more deaths in the country.

“At this moment it is urgent, a priority to protect the guards and the people of Inpec, this is a problem that affects the Valley, but criminals are also acting in other departments such as the Atlantic coast and yesterday it was in Bogotá,” the president emphasized. , who also indicated that “I have been saying that the criminals who make these calls from prisons must be held incommunicado, these types of actions are retaliation for the blows that are being inflicted on these criminal gangs in the territories. It is vital to give protection to the people of Inpec so that they do not continue to be murdered, the protection must be guaranteed by the State through the UNP, so that they can do their work without having the insecurity that is affecting them.”

Jairo Zapata
Government journalist of Valle del Cauca

Number of visits to this page 24

Publication date 05/17/2024

Last modified 05/17/2024


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