Family and Diocese of Pereira become victims of the disappearance, a month ago, of priest Darío Valencia

Family and Diocese of Pereira become victims of the disappearance, a month ago, of priest Darío Valencia
Family and Diocese of Pereira become victims of the disappearance, a month ago, of priest Darío Valencia

A month ago, the priest Darío Valencia Uribe He disappeared in Pereira when he had an appointment to sell his private car. Given the lack of news about the clergyman’s whereabouts, his family and the Diocese of Pereira became victims of the alleged crime of forced disappearance.

The objective of this measure is, according to the bishop of Pereira, Monsignor Rigoberto Corredor Bermúdez, that it is not forgotten that the 59-year-old father disappeared last Thursday, April 25 in the capital of Risaralda and that his search is not suspended.

A lawyer advised the priest’s relatives and two other jurists to the Diocese so that they could become victims. “We have already signed the power of attorney to help us to keep the father’s memory alive in front of the authorities,” said Monsignor Corredor.

​”The Diocese of Pereira will not silence the memory of Father Darío and we ask the authorities to continue the search until they can find him and clarify this very painful fact to get out of this uncertainty”, explained priest Óscar Gutiérrez, communications spokesperson.

It should be remembered that the priest from the municipality of Risaralda (Caldas) was last seen when, in the company of a man, they left in the Nissan Frontier brand truck owned by the father to an unknown destination.

A video from a security camera recorded the moment in which the priest and the alleged buyer of the car, who was wearing dark clothing and glasses and a black cap, and is between 30 and 35 years old, get into the high-end truck and leave. .

Father Dario Valencia

Photo:Private file

Before his disappearance, the priest had breakfast early with his mother in a cafeteria near the María Auxiliadora parish, which he has led for about three years. His father told his mother that that morning he had an appointment with a person interested in buying his car.

The man who appears in the video is a car dealer and platform driver, that days after the priest’s disappearance he unexpectedly traveled to Paris, France, where, according to the Police, he was detained by the authorities pending the issuance of a red Interpol circular.

Two days after the priest’s disappearance, his truck was found in a car wash in the municipality of Viterbo (Caldas), with traces of blood, a bullet hole in the board and shell casings on the floor. In addition, one of his chairs was missing.

‘We’re still looking for him’

This newspaper asked the commander of the Pereira Metropolitan Police, Colonel Ruth Alexandra Díaz, about the search for the priest. “Yes, we are looking for it, but everything is reserved for the summary and the Prosecutor’s Office is the one who must speak out at this moment (sic),” said Díaz.

Yes, we are looking for it, but everything is reserved for the summary and the Prosecutor’s Office is the one who should speak out at this time

Recently, the version has been circulated that the main suspect in the father’s disappearance did not act alone and he had an accomplice, who is in Colombia. However, the commander of the Pereira Metropolitan Police did not respond to a concern regarding this issue.

The Prosecutor’s Office, for its part, has been completely tight-lipped regarding this issue. It is only known that a prosecutor is in charge of the investigation. However, Monsignor Corredor revealed that the investigating entity It is working and I hope that in the next few days there will be news about it.

The Bishop highlighted the importance of interrogating the man detained in France, “so that this person It can help us identify the place, where the father is, how the father’s end was; or if he is alive, my blessed God! What a joy that he was detained or kidnapped, that we could see him again.

Father Darío Valencia disappeared when he was closing the sale of his vehicle.

Photo:Fernando Umaña. TIME. Courtesy.

The priest’s mother is in ‘shock’

In a recent interview with the space ‘Christ on the Internet’, of the Diocese of Pereira, the Bishop of Pereira revealed that the mother of the priest Valencia, a month after the disappearance, is still in ‘shock’.

“She is in an attitude of great deep sadness, what happened? What happened? What is this? (she asks herself). I see her with an impressive sensitivity, I see the mother’s pain reflected in her, who is heartbroken over what has happened to his son,” the monsignor revealed.

Fernando Umaña Mejía

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