“Let them ‘stick the wheel’ to Huila in San Juan and San Pedro” • La Nación

On a beautiful evening in Bogotá, the launch of the Bambuco Festival in San Juan and San Pedro took place from the Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santodomingo. The governor of Huila, Rodrigo Villalba, invited the country to ‘take a spin’ around the department. The celebration will be from June 14 to July 1.



“I bring this effusive greeting from the people of a region that is proud of its origin, of what we are and what we represent!” stated the governor of Huila, Rodrigo Villalba from the Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santodomingo, in Bogotá; within the framework of the official launch of the 63rd edition of the Bambuco Festival.

Before a packed Theater, yesterday night the president tried to describe in words the Undiscovered Paradise that is Huila, and invited Colombians and foreigners to experience one of the most important festivities in the country, which will take place on the 14th. from June to July 1st in the Opita region.

He highlighted that Huila is an agricultural power and stands out for its coffee, fish farming, rice, livestock, pork panela, beekeeping, beans and avocado, among others.

And in that sense, he stressed that it is one of the five food producing departments par excellence in Colombia. But also, the Opita region “is a tourist power in rural tourism; Without excess regionalism, we can say that we have everything from desert to snowy.”

He explained that the Huila is part of the Colombian Massif and is where the Magdalena River or “great river of the Homeland” is born.

Likewise, visitors can enjoy “all the thermal floors, landscapes and thermalism.”

He then named some of the new private attractions that are attracting attention, such as the viewpoints.

He did not leave aside the Cueva de los Guácharos, tourist routes such as the coffee route and also the “jewel in the crown with scientific, cultural and international tourism around the San Agustín Archaeological Park”, among others.

According to Villalba, the department also envisions that it can be a source of sustainable energy.

The region is already warming up for the festivities, also conceived as a historical heritage. The president recalled that the festivities have colonial origins, “where they celebrated the end of the harvests that coincided with San Juan day, traditions that took root and we united them with the San Pedro festivities, from the initial religious sphere we have gone to a more cultural and commercial one.”

Finally, he expressed that the presentation at the emblematic Theater “is an invitation to all Colombians to come and enjoy the cultural expressions, tourism and recreation, as well as our gastronomic, landscape, the joy, the warmth of the Opita people, and enjoy with your family the 63rd version of the Bambuco festival in San Juan and San Pedro, where we will wait for you with open arms.”

The mayor of Neiva, German Casagua and other mayors also accompanied the evening.

Before 1,300 people and amidst music and artistic expressions from Huila, the official launch of the festival took place.
The Bambuco festival in San Juan and San Pedro begins on June 14 and runs until July 1.
The Festival is a good opportunity to tour Huila and enjoy everything from its desert to its snowy mountains.
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