They demand answers for the precariousness of the school

They demand answers for the precariousness of the school
They demand answers for the precariousness of the school

May 22, 2024 – 23:49

In the last few hours, the unfortunate situation that the educational community of Primary School No. 63 located in the Los Nacimientos neighborhood, Medanitos, in the Tinogasta department was known. It happens that the building is in terrible conditions and the renovation work has been stopped for quite some time; which is why the students began to study in a room belonging to the neighborhood chapel, whose windows do not have glass and the low temperatures make normal classes impossible. “The commission lent us this place to be able to offer in-person classes to the children, but the conditions are not adequate, nor are the buildings of the place where we were, and since there are low temperatures, the children no longer have in-person classes,” La Ancasti told El Ancasti. school director, Jenifer Quispe.

“All the teachers now make booklets and give them to the children, and twice a week we visit them and meet with them to be able to support them and accompany them in whatever they need,” he continued.

Regarding the work to put the precarious school in condition, the director pointed out that “it is stopped due to lack of material. On Tuesday, hollow bricks were received, since they must give height to the ceiling. Yesterday the workers were working to give continuity to the work.

“The renovation of the school is being carried out and has the relevant documentation by the provincial director of School Infrastructure, Juan Pablo Castillo, and the director of Building Maintenance Programming, the architect Lucas Caminada. It is a total renovation of the school Until the month of September, when our institution turns 60, we want to finish all the arrangements. We hope that it can be fulfilled since the children have the same right to have an adequate establishment in optimal building conditions,” said Quispe.

Solidarity Campaign

As a way to collaborate and help the families of the 13 children who attend this institution, the teachers launched the “I hug you, I shelter you” campaign.

Through this solidarity initiative they seek to collect warm clothing, blankets and shoes in good condition.

“All this arose because we are going through a very difficult economic situation in the northern area where we are in Medanitos, and mostly in the Los Nacimientos location it is very humid and the cold is felt very much,” commented the director.

He also highlighted that families are quite large, which makes it difficult for parents to be able to acquire or buy a pair of sneakers or a jacket for the children, “that is why we as teachers also get very involved with them and we are always asking collaboration, donations and, thank God, to this day we have had very positive responses from many people who are helping us and who are bringing us donations every year.”

“We are very grateful because they never forget the children, they are aware that they are constantly growing and everything is getting smaller. In these situations we come together as a community and as a neighborhood for a single good, which is for the children,” he said.

Finally, the director of the Medanitos school indicated that all those interested in collaborating with the students can bring their donations to Capital as well, “they can take them to the Casa de Fiambalá, located at 342 Chacabuco Street, between Maipú and Junín,” she concluded. . n


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