Based on observations by Deputy Marisela Duarte, Departmental Administration will present addendums to the development plan

Based on observations by Deputy Marisela Duarte, Departmental Administration will present addendums to the development plan
Based on observations by Deputy Marisela Duarte, Departmental Administration will present addendums to the development plan

Based on observations by Representative Marisela Duarte, the Departmental Administration announced that it will present addendums to the development plan. In a document sent to the Departmental Planning Directorate, the Deputy presented 18 aspects that should be clarified or deepened within the framework of the study of the Py of ordinance 007 of 2024, through which the departmental development plan “Opportunities for Casanare” is adopted. ”.

The observations made by Deputy Duarte refer to aspects such as the “University Hospital” proposal, where it is stated that the “strategic project” is simply the preparation of a planning document, not the implementation of the academic modality. The “university citadel”, the housing plan and the agroindustrialization plan, were also the subject of observations.

Other aspects that drew attention are those related to the recovery of the secondary and tertiary road network and the implementation of renewable energy programs, where compliance indicators are not clear.

In the response received, it is clear that the analysis presented has been well received and the planning management announced the required modifications, both in clarification of information and in addendums that will be submitted to the Departmental Assembly for inclusion in the Development plan.


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