Another escalation in the radical internal of Corrientes: ECO ends and an appeal before the Electoral Chamber

Another escalation in the radical internal of Corrientes: ECO ends and an appeal before the Electoral Chamber

The governor anticipated that it is very likely that the ruling alliance Encuentro por Corrientes (ECO) will no longer exist for the 2025 elections because it was created by Ricardo Colombi. In turn, the former governor resorted to a second instance to annul the radical convention held on April 29.

“I am going for the Presidency of the UCR-Corrientes. Our space is Vamos Corrientes, and if some insist with Eco, they will go the other way,” the governor of the province said two days ago. In other words, the alliance created years ago by Ricardo Colombi with which the current provincial leader was elected governor will disappear.

The statement is made within the framework of the radical internal elections where it has not yet been decided that the party elections will take place on March 27, decided by a radical convention, made up entirely of the militant faction of only the current governor.

Ricardo Colombi resorted to a second judicial instance, before the Federal Electoral Chamber, to precisely annul the convention held at the end of last April at the San Martín Club in the city of Corrientes.

Last Tuesday, the head of the provincial Executive Branch once again stated that he will be a candidate to preside over the UCR and the most curious thing is that he revealed that it was Colombi himself who told him that “I was going to be a candidate for president of the party” and that that was the last time they saw each other.

This internal election where the current governor wants to obtain the presidency of the ruling party is not yet fully defined in the judicial field.


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