The Youth of the Pro crossed Francisco Sánchez: There is no going back

The Pro Neuquén against Francisco Sánchez

The Pro Neuquén Youth viralized a post to distance themselves from the position of Francisco Sánchez, head of the National Secretariat of Worship.

Evelyn Durán, at the head of the PRO Youth in this province, confirmed to LMNeuquén that the taking of a position was in response to Sánchez’s statements in recent days.

We support and accompany the national government, but that does not mean that we agree with everything it does.. As youth, we proclaim freedom for all. We respect personal opinions, we can all think differently. But it seems to us that a thought like that of Francisco (Sánchez) It is a setback in rights and freedoms of people,” he said.

Although he clarified that Sánchez says “what he believes and the first thing that crosses his mind,” he considered that in the position he occupies “You have to put aside your personal beliefs and do what is right“, in line with a society that asks for and advances in the achievement of rights.

“For us it doesn’t go back. In our Youth we have a great diversity of thoughts. But We do not want to go back on these laws at all. They are conquered rights that we would not agree to give up. For this reason, we do not endorse what Francisco (Sánchez) says,” Durán expressed categorically.

francisco sanchez spain secretary cult

What Sánchez left in Spain

Sánchez participated on Sunday Euro 24, a meeting of the “right-wing international” promoted by the Vox party of Spain, where in the previous one, Milei tried to “corrupt” the wife of the Spanish president, the socialist Pedro Sánchez.

The climate generated a diplomatic problem between the two countries and an apology request that Javier Milei, Through his spokesperson Manuel Adorni, he announced that he will not do so. But at that meeting there was more controversy, and one related to the radicals.

Francisco Sánchez is secretary of religion of the Nation and depends on theto Chancellor Diana Mondino. During Sunday’s meeting, he defined himself as “a conservative”, before the audience of leaders and businessmen of the European right.

“In 1987, in the midst of the economic crisis, the terrible radical Alfonsinista government promoted the debate on binding divorce, and it was approved,” said Sánchez, who also spoke out against the divorce law. Equal Marriage (during Cristina Kirchner’s government) and the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law (during Alberto Fernández).

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Francisco Sánchez: freedom and contradictions

Back in Argentina, Sánchez redoubled the ultraconservative bet. She launched a radical theory according to which “children of formally separated couples have more anxiety problems and worse performance in school.”

And he attributed a “killing of children” to the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy law, while considering it part of an attack against demographic growth, when it would be appropriate, he said, to “repopulate Argentina.”

Sánchez entered the libertarian government under the wing of the chancellor Diana Mondino. The leader added the war against divorce which he already maintained openly against the decriminalization of abortion since his participation in the Europa Viva 24 event, of the extreme right.

“Many sectors in the 80s warned of the serious consequences of divorce and we saw them reflected in how many issues were studied by specialists from public universities, such as the UBA,” he said in an interview with Buenos Aires radio Mitre.

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