Snow in the Altas Cumbres and Villa de Merlo: they cut the road as a precaution – News

Snow in the Altas Cumbres and Villa de Merlo: they cut the road as a precaution – News
Snow in the Altas Cumbres and Villa de Merlo: they cut the road as a precaution – News

It snows in Altas Cumbres and the Highway Police cut off provincial route E-34 as a precaution, because there is ice on the asphalt.

In Villa de Merlo (San Luis), on Champaquí Hill (Córdoba) and in other towns in the Altas Cumbres, such as Cerro Hermoso and Pampa de Achala, snow began to fall copiously this Thursday afternoon.

Sleet was also recorded in towns such as Deán Funes.

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Social networks were filled with shocking images, showing different landscapes with resplendent white and views to enjoy.

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Weather for the weekend

Meteorologist Rafael Di Marco, in dialogue with Chain 3anticipated that “there are some possibilities of snowfall in Punilla and, to a lesser extent, in Sierras Chicas.”

“It will be a very cold weekend, which will not exceed 10 degrees, with temperatures below zero,” he added.

“Tomorrow (Friday), starting this morning, we are also expected to have a little more wind from the southern sector, which will lower the temperature even more, so we are going to start with a fairly cold Friday. Saturday will be cold and Sunday, very cold,” he explained.

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According to their estimates, maximum temperatures will not exceed 10 degrees and minimum temperatures could drop to 0 degrees or even lower.

“Right now, we have temperatures below zero,” Di Marco said, referring to the high mountains, where it was already snowing.

In places like the Cuenca Alta de Tabaquillo and Rodeo de los Caballos, temperatures ranged between zero and one degree below zero.

The expert assured that this is an anticipated winter phenomenon, similar to what occurred in 2021, when early snowfalls were also recorded in Córdoba. “It’s a winter that was anticipated,” said Di Marco, predicting abnormally low temperatures for May and June.

Regarding the consequences of these climatic conditions in the productive area, Di Marco pointed out that, although frosts can bring significant losses, they are also necessary to combat pests such as the leafhopper. “It’s also good that we have a winter, precisely so that these things go away,” he said.

In addition, he anticipated the possibility of sleet in several areas of the province for May 26. “This would be the fourth snowfall in the province of Córdoba in the month of May, but it would be the first big snowfall of the year,” he concluded.

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