All the details about Milei’s event in Córdoba and the security operation – Notes – Night Shift

The president, Javier Milei, will visit the city of Córdoba this Saturday to lead an official event for May 25, which will take place at the Cabildo, in Plaza San Martín.

The provincial security minister, Juan Pablo Quinteros, reported this Thursday night that the operation will be mainly in charge of the Argentine Federal Police and Military Housewith considerable collaboration on the part of the Córdoba Police.

In an interview with Chain 3Quinteros explained: “When the President comes, what the Córdoba Police do is collaborate with what is the Military House and what is exclusively its custody.”

In this framework, the official explained that they will three safety rings. “In principle, one will be managed by the Córdoba Police and the other two by federal forces.”

The Civic Center will be completely paralyzed during the event due to strict security operations. Even though it is a holiday and there is no commercial activity planned for that day, measures have been established to allow residents local can come and go of the fenced area.

Quinteros also mentioned possible mobilizations scheduled for Saturday: “The issues of the marches are like this: one is going to take place at the airport and the other on General Paz Avenue.”

The minister assured that these demonstrations can take place normally, as long as they do not interfere with the established security rings.

Milei is expected to arrive around noon. The transfer from the airport to the Civic Center could be via helicopterdepending on weather conditions.

The President will be received by the governor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora, and the presence of a large part of the national cabinet and other authorities is expected.

As for the setting for the event, it will be similar to that used for the changing of the guard, with some modifications requested by the Presidency. It is expected that Milei be the only speaker of the event.

Mega security operation

The province’s Security Minister, Juan Pablo Quinteros, reported on a large operation that is being prepared for the event.

The Argentine Federal Police and Casa Militar will be in charge of it, with important collaboration on the part of 750 members of the Córdoba Police.

Three safety rings

Three rings will be established to guarantee security during the official event: the outer ring will be in the hands of the Local policewhile the two internal will be the direct responsibility of the federal forces.

Paralysis of the center

Despite the holiday, a total paralysis of the center is expected due to the strict operation mentioned by Quinteros.

Transfer from the airport to the Civic Center

Although it is not yet confirmed, it is likely that the transfer of the President from the airport to the Civic Center will be carried out via helicopter, depending on weather conditions.

Reception by Llaryora

The governor of the province, Martín Llaryora, will be in charge of receiving the president, Javier Milei, at the Civic Center.

Permitted demonstrations

Despite the security operation, demonstrations scheduled for that day by different unions, such as the CGT and ATE, will be allowed, as long as they do not interfere with the established security rings.

Possible traffic cuts

It is likely that there will be cuts in main arteries, such as San Juan and Ilia boulevards, to facilitate the transfer of the President from the Civic Center to the Cabildo.

Presence of the national cabinet

Many of the closest collaborators of the head of state and other national authorities are expected to attend the official event.

Normality for residents and merchants

Despite the strict security operation, those residents or merchants in the fenced areas will be able to access their properties, as long as they can prove their residence or commercial property.

Prosecutor Ernesto de Aragón will participate in the organization of the security operation for Milei’s visit to Córdoba this Saturday. (Photo: archive)

It is also expected that there will be a preventive operation at the Ambrosio Taravella International Airport due to the protests announced by some unions such as the Association of State Workers (ATE) at the air station. However, everything indicates that Milei will arrive at the Civic Center from the airport by helicopter.

Federico Giuliani, general secretary of ATE Córdoba, had publicly declared that “a hostile climate” awaits the President.

In response to these statements, Ernesto de Aragón stated: “These are unfortunate statements. Obviously, there is a greater alert and we will be attentive. “Preventive measures will be taken to try to secure the different points.”

Federico Giuliani, general secretary of ATE Córdoba, said that “a hostile atmosphere awaits President Milei” during his visit to the provincial capital. (Photo: ATE Córdoba)

Prosecutor De Aragón also commented on the possible legal implications, if Giuliani incites violent acts: “He has not announced or incited, I understand at the moment, any specific act other than this blocking announcement which, if materialized, will serve the tomorrow like proof that it was deliberate.”

Finally, De Aragón was not aware for the moment of the possible implementation of the closure of the Cordoba microcenter on the day of the President’s arrival in the city.

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The President will be received by the provincial authorities upon arrival at the airport and will go to the Civic Center to wait until he is taken in a vehicle caravan security to Plaza San Martín. All the guests will be present there, seated in two boxes on either side of the main stage.

The event will begin with four military bands playing marches and popular music, from 2 p.m.. Starting at 15.30, the official event will begin, which will be broadcast exclusively by an official signal. No outdoor cameras or equipment will be permitted in the area.

The assistants must pass a Security control before entering, but they will not need any credentials or prior invitation.

Despite the limited space due to the relatively small size of the landscaped plaza, at least two giant screens so that attendees can follow the event in more detail.

The President will speak from a lectern, facing the statue of the Liberator General San Martín, and will likely wear the presidential sash and baton of command.

Milei activity in Córdoba

Milei’s activity in Córdoba will be limited to an event in Plaza San Martín. No others are planned before or after the event, beyond the greeting you will receive from the provincial authorities upon arrival at the airport.

Details of the event

The guests will be seated in two boxes, on both sides of the main stage, where the president of Milei will go up as the sole authority.

It is likely that members of the Official Traditional Guard, the Horse Grenadier Regiment, will also be present.

military bands

Four military bands will start the event around 2:00 p.m.: La Fanfare Alto Perú (band of the Grenadier Regiment), the bands of the Patricios and Iriarte Regiment and the Boquerón Band of the Third Army Corps in Córdoba.

Single official broadcast

The event will be broadcast by a only official signwhich implies that the installation of external cameras or equipment by other means will not be allowed.

Political invitations

Various leaders have been invited to the event, which adds a relevant political element to it. It is expected that the President will be accompanied from the boxes by national cabinet and the main authorities of the chambers of Congress.

Official protocol

The event will have an official protocol, given that it is a civic celebration for May 25.

The President will wear the presidential band and the baton.

Stage layout

The President will speak from a lectern looking at the statue of the Liberator General San Martín, which is in the center of Plaza San Martín, with two giant screens installed to allow attendees to follow in more detail.

Security and entry to the event

Although entry to the event will be free, there will be a seating area. search in the vicinity of the different entrances to Plaza San Martín.

Limited space

The venue is relatively small for an event of such magnitude, which may result in difficulties for attendees in having direct visibility of the main stage.

Final preparations

Less than 48 hours before the event, the details and contacts between the provincial and municipal authorities and the presidential team are still being finalized.

What is known about the event so far

• They will start at 2:00 p.m. The stage will be the one used for the changing of the guards in front of the Town Hall.

• The “Alto Perú” military Fanfare of the Grenadier Regiment will perform on stage.

• The Ituzaingó Band of the Artillery Regiment 1 “Brigadier General Tomás Iriarte and the Boqueron Military Band will be located on one side of the stage facing the audience.

• The authorities will be located on the other side of the stage.

• Javier Milei will be the only one up in the box. His speech is scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m.

• There will be screens to follow the event in the same square.

Reports by Francisco Centeno, Jorge Mercado and Sergio Suppo.

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