Córdoba invites creators and exponents of the audiovisual industry to the 1st Documentary Film Festival

Córdoba invites creators and exponents of the audiovisual industry to the 1st Documentary Film Festival
Córdoba invites creators and exponents of the audiovisual industry to the 1st Documentary Film Festival

The Film Library of Andalusia and the Faculty of Philosophy of Letters of the University of Córdoba (UCO), in the capital of Córdoba, and the Teatro Olimpia, in Villa del Río (Córdoba), will be the venues where it will be held next October , which will be the first International Documentary Film Festival in Córdoba (Ficdcor), which constitutes a platform for the sector and from which creators and exponents of the audiovisual industry at a national and international level are summoned.

This is highlighted on the festival website, consulted by Europa Press, and in which it is specified that Ficdcor is organized by the Córdoba Dígital Lab Association and promoted by the Municipal Institute of Economic Development and Employment (Imdeec) of the City Council of Córdoba, with the collaboration of Afoco, the Filmoteca de Andalucía, the City Council of Villa del Río, and the GDR Medio Guadalquivir, with the aim of it being “an area of ​​cultural dissemination, a space for diversity, a promoter of an ecosystem of sustainability, a generator of knowledge and reflection, a territory of free creative expression and representation of plurality.”

In this way, “a space whose center and axis is the documentary” is created, that is, “a space that shows us what society has understood, understands or will understand as reality. A window that offers us new points of view to explore and understand the world we share.”

Thus, Ficdcor “opens a new window on culture by focusing on the documentary genre, presenting us with pieces of ourselves, our life and environment, and all to inspire society towards new, more sustainable models of life and trying to adopt a powerful role in the education of society in general”, providing “knowledge and promoting debate on important topics through visual storytelling”.

Consequently, this first edition was born with the ambition and hope of “trying to achieve, provoke or stimulate responses, and shape attitudes and assumptions through the audiovisual expression of reality”, which will mean “a contact with the present, with the past and the future”, from the interaction and dialogue “with the public, providing knowledge and promoting debate on important topics through visual storytelling.”

That is why “the creators and exponents of the national and international audiovisual industry are summoned, making the city of Córdoba an open platform to question, interpret and rewrite the present”, with the intention of “promoting dialogue, reflection and training of audiences around documentary cinema, in a broad sense and in permanent transformation”, because, ultimately, Ficdcor “seeks to explore the various paths of documentary cinema.”


The festival will have an ‘Official Section’, which will consist of a “competition open to the national and international level that exposes new trends in documentary film. “A cultural stimulus to open the documentary genre to the public as a socially necessary form of manifestation.” This section will take place in the Andalusian Film Library.

There will also be a ‘Young Space’, to open “a window of opportunity to exhibit the impetus and sensitivity of young documentary values”, in the “search of the views of the new generations, thus contributing to channeling and broadening their perception and expression of reality”, and providing for this “a necessary vehicle for exhibition and experimental laboratory”.

In this section, which will take place between the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UCO and the Olimpia Theater of Villa del Río, the award-winning documentary will have the particularity of being chosen by direct vote of the attending public.


The organization has planned the ‘Ficdcor24 Martín Cañuelo’ Grand Prize, which is dedicated to the businessman and film buff, who died last year, who revitalized the summer cinemas of Córdoba. This award is worth 2,000 euros and will be proposed in a motivated manner for the film that the jury considers the best work in the ‘Official Section’ of the festival, regardless of its duration or nationality.

The ‘Gerardo Olivares’ Best Director Award is also planned, which is named after the renowned Córdoba film director and is worth 1,000 euros. The award will be motivatedly proposed to the film from the ‘Official Section’ that best photographically represents ethical and formal values ​​and promotes a space for sustainable development and the circular economy, fundamental bases of this festival.

Finally, the ‘Espaciojoven’ Award, endowed with 500 euros, will be proposed in a motivated manner to the best documentary project made by young people, up to 24 years of age and who are pursuing a public or private degree related to the audiovisual sector, having It is also planned that the jury, on the other hand, can award up to two special mentions, with a prize of 300 euros.

Ficdcor is “open to all documentary films that involve reflection and an effort to understand what is real and therefore absolutely aligned with an ethical commitment to sustainability and circular economy”, since in the organization of the festival they only conceive “ a mode of development whose objective is to guarantee the balance between economic growth, the preservation of the environment and social well-being.”

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