Chubut. On the way to 3J, we organize to defend our rights

Chubut. On the way to 3J, we organize to defend our rights
Chubut. On the way to 3J, we organize to defend our rights

From the FITU bench in Chubut, the Po presented a project for the expansion of accommodation in the province. Since then, meetings have been held with the various feminist multisectoral groups in the province in which it was agreed to request from the FITU bench a request for a report on the situation of the shelter homes in the province. Response to the request for a report on the situation of the shelters generated based on Law XV 26 “Law of Comprehensive Protection and Equal Opportunities and Gender Equity.”

Taking into account the national government, which denies all oppression towards any minority, it is essential to fight for the laws conquered, demand their compliance and effective operation. We know that gender violence is one of the most dangerous, which is why we think it is important to take action and denounce the poor financing of a problem as emerging as domestic violence. In the report, the requests included are: Art. 1. A- Number of enabled spaces called “shelter houses”, in all of them throughout the province that are currently in operation, indicating the location, the work team involved (number of professionals and types of disciplines) as established in article 19, paragraph 14-C of the aforementioned law. B- Amount of housing subsidies delivered within the framework of article 19, paragraph A of the aforementioned law since its implementation to date, detailed by year. Based on this report request, responses were obtained from the municipalities of Rawson, Trelew, Esquel and Comodoro Rivadavia.


The answer is given by the head of the Comprehensive Women’s Center Subprogram dependent on the women’s program of the coordination of inclusive policies of the municipality of Trelew, Lic. Fátima Gabriela Michel comments: that in the city of Trelew there are 4 housing spaces with a capacity of 16 beds. Regarding the team, there is a psychologist, a lawyer and a graduate in social work.


The Secretariat of Social Development, Family and Health has the “Comprehensive Women’s Center.” It has 7 on-call operators who rotate 24 hours a day, 3 for coordination and 2 workshop leaders.


Since 2004, the city of Esquel has had the “Casa Refugio Cumelcan” with capacity for 12 people. It has 1 coordinator and 4 operators. It should be noted that this house not only shelters women residents of esquel but that people from surrounding towns have entered, due to the proximity and the fact that there are no institutions with the same purpose as this one, such as Lago Pueblo, Guajaína, Trevelin, Cuyamen , Río Mayo, among others.

Comodoro Rivadavia

The city of CR has the “La casa” Comprehensive Protection center that has 20 beds for the temporary shelter of victims of gender violence and their children. It also has an interdisciplinary team of 12 members. These “shelter houses” in the different locations of the province suffer from the government’s adjustment. In a province that has accumulated 29 direct and 3 linked femicides since 2013 to date, it is urgent to count.

Femicide is the highest level of violence in a whole chain of violence, which also includes very low salaries compared to what men receive, precariousness, double working hours, domestic work that falls mostly on women and girls, sexist violence. at all levels, among other forms of violence against women.

Like all this violence against women, femicide also has those responsible who are not only the femicides, it is also and mainly the State, its parties, its institutions and governments. There are political leaders beyond the person who carries out the murder. An entire chain of violence protected by the state ends in its worst expression, femicide, whose victims find no protection or escape before reaching the highest level of violence. Today prevention programs are insufficient. With effective shelter houses and comprehensive care, femicides can be prevented. From the Left Front we denounce the need and urgency of an effective National Emergency Plan against gender violence, we do not want even one more death. There is a need to guarantee comprehensive care centers, such as Shelter Houses/Transitional Homes, at least one with land where there is no overcrowding, and with a large capacity of places, especially in cities with many inhabitants (Comodoro Rivadavia has only one shelter house, At the same time, it is the highest in femicides in the province. Esquel not only houses residents of the city, but also people from the area.

We need subsidies for all victims equal to the family basket and in line with inflation. Zero-rate housing loans are also necessary. We want a comprehensive policy that can prevent femicides, that questions and provides a way out of the economic dependence that subjects many women to not escape mistreatment and abuse by strengthening shelter homes, housing for women who cannot have and live with their aggressors, psychological help, subsidies for their children, non-precarious employment to eliminate economic dependence. It is urgent to guarantee victims of violence access to health, and protection with specialized interdisciplinary teams to address them and their children, and that includes comprehensive psychological assistance. We have to propose to strengthen the organization of women, in alliance with other exploited and oppressed sectors such as workers, youth, and the Mapuche people, in order to put an end to this society based on exploitation and oppression. 32 femicides perpetuated from 2013 to the present is not small; 37 children were left without a mother. What would have happened to those women and children if
Did they strengthen the shelter houses more? Looking back is of no use, thinking about the future is of no use. That is why we are here today, and we must fight for a good and decent budget that is sufficient to have every shelter that has capacity for every woman who is at risk for her life, and the integrity of her children. We have the need and the task of fighting to strengthen these spaces, and the comprehensive approach for all direct or indirect victims of gender violence.

Since 2015, PTS at FITU has been fighting for a national emergency plan against violence against women. In statements to the press, Del Caño explained that “we presented this project because the Comprehensive Protection Law to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women, voted in 2009, does not guarantee an immediate response for the victims six years after its sanction. It still does not have the essential budget so that the protection of women can be implemented, while there are still provinces that have not even implemented it.

This leaves women who are victims of sexist violence completely helpless, even more so those who do not have the economic and material means that are minimally necessary to find a way out of the already vulnerable situation in which they find themselves.”

The deputy and former vice-presidential candidate for the PTS in the Left Front also highlighted that “with our project, we propose the creation of a national emergency plan against violence against women, which includes a subsidy regime for victims; the immediate creation of transitional shelters and a short-term housing plan, based on the creation of progressive taxes on large fortunes and real estate corporations; a regime of work licenses for women victims of violence who are employed and educational licenses and passes for women who are in the educational system, as well as the creation and coordination of interdisciplinary teams for the prevention, care and assistance of women victims. of violence.” To read the project, click here.

The current problem is that these houses are there, but they are adjusted by the state. More so in a context where the current government denies any type of violence based on gender or identity.

These houses, in addition to not carrying out their work efficiently, also have different levels of violence within them, and in addition, the victims are not immediately inserted into a job with a salary equal to the basic family basket, which is essential for economic independence. and be able to leave the same house as your attacker. We get the law: let’s fight for good compliance. Join this Saturday, 05/25 at 6:00 p.m., to the virtual meeting with multisectors from across the province. Contact us to fight this fight together.

If you are from Chubut: Get in touch and organize with the PTS in the Left Front or with Pan y Rosas at your work, place of study or neighborhood.

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