a month of key advances for the province of Mendoza

a month of key advances for the province of Mendoza
a month of key advances for the province of Mendoza

Another strategic trip was the lieutenant governor Hebe Married to Austriawhere he participated in the fair in April Battery Minerals Conferencein Perth, places in the world where the advance of the new mining in the world.

San Juan Minera International Expo 2024, Cornejo, Latorre, Jaque

Photo: Mendoza Government Press

All voices on mining

At the time of the chronology of the last few months, we must focus on the approval of the modifications to the Mining Procedures Code that the Government achieved in the provincial Legislature, with the support of the ruling party and opposition legislators.

In this phase the political forces and social organizations They showed an openness that had not been achieved at other times. For example, the personal gratitude that he made Hebe Married to the Peronist deputy from Malargüina Alejandra Barrowho despite the delicate state of health he is going through, do not hesitate to be present in the discussion.

Embed – Malargüe-Advances in the treatment of mining

He business community in the South of Mendozawhich for years has been asking for greater openness to the activity of the mining in Malargüe and the rest of the departments that have potential also highlighted this significant progress.

Gustavo Mirasformer president of the Malargüe Chamber of Commerce, opportunely highlighted that “Much of the political arc has agreed to move forward” in the possibility of expanding the productive matrix of Mendoza through the sustainable mining.

Embed – Malargüe-Referents and their position on mining processes

Pata Mora Industrial Park, southeast of the province of Mendoza

In the series of events of the last month was the Public Hearing for the Pata Mora Oil and Mining Services Industrial Parkin which local and provincial governments supported the place as an axis of development for the province of Mendoza.

At that moment, held in the department of Malargue On April 25, the lieutenant governor Hebe Married stood out “We have only been in office for a few months, and yet we have placed emphasis on the development of Malargüe”with the Pata Mora polo, where the mining It is also a component.

Embed – Malargüe-Strategic view of mining

“There are many resources that the Malargüinos have and that we must explore”also said in this area the Director of Mining of Mendoza Jerome Shantal.

The provincial official also took advantage of the moment, and in agreement with thousands of Mendoza residents, to say that “mining is necessary for everyday life”adding that “people” must identify that “their house, schools, hospitals or streets are built” with elements from Third Category Mines.

Embed – Malargüe-The southeast of the department and its mining potential

Education and mining

The role of education and the training They are guarantees for the development of the sustainable miningand an example of this is the work that the Manuel Nicolás Savio Industrial and Mining Technical Secondary School (ESTIM)with professionals spread throughout Argentina and the world.

Embed – Malargüe-Expansion of classrooms in ESTIM

This year, and within the framework of National Mining Daywhich is celebrated on May 7, the mining school organized the Malargüe Mining District Conferencewhich had the participation of hundreds of attendees and exhibitors, as well as national businessmen and municipal and provincial leaders, among whom were Alfredo Cornejo, Hebe Married, Celso Jaqueamong others.

“A State Policy must be formed with firm institutions,” said the director of ESTIM, Professor Carolina Peña, in a clear proclamation that there be transcendence in time and ideologies for the maintenance of mining projects.

Embed – Malargüe-Mining Month in ESTIM

Another of the educational institutions of Malargue responsible for the training of human resources for mining activity is the IES 9-018which has two degrees, the Higher Technical Degree in Mining and the Technical Degree in Oil and Gas.

Its building is currently being expanded with the construction of the simulator for training students and workers in the hydrocarbon sector, after efforts carried out between the Secretary of the Union of Professional Hierarchical Personnel of Cuyo Petroleumthe malargüino Julian Matamalaand the current mayor Celso Jaque.

Embed – Malargüe-Education and mining

“In Malargüe there is consensus for mining to take place,” said Jerónimo Shantal in statements to SITE ANDINO at the Manuel Nicolás Savio Secondary School, emphasizing that the powers of the State and education support the activity.

“The change is happening,” the provincial official said hopefully.

Embed – Malargüe-“We want there to be mining”

And the line is maintained with clear examples of support from the Executives of Malargue and Mendoza for him mining developmentand the last example was when the Governor Alfredo Cornejo was accompanied in San Juan for him Mayor Celso Jaque when he signed the Copper Table.

Previously, and in the celebration of 60th Anniversary of the Malargüe Mining SchoolCelso Jaque said that “We are taking the steps with the necessary political conviction to make this possible”so that mining can develop.

Embed – Malargüe- Mining “a very special moment for the province”

The private sector supports the Government’s mining projects

The business community of Malargüe, grouped among other institutions by the Chamber of Commerce, maintain constant actions to support and contribute so that mining is expanded in the department, and the rest of the province.

Marcelo Schajnovetz, president of the intermediate entity, former teacher and oil worker, indicated that it is essential that throughout society we talk about “sustainable mining,” it is “the term that should be used,” the businessman remarked at the recent celebration of the National Mining Day.

Embed – Malargüe- The accompaniment of the private sector to mining

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