The forecast anticipates a week with temperature changes in Mendoza

The forecast anticipates a week with temperature changes in Mendoza
The forecast anticipates a week with temperature changes in Mendoza

The entry of the cold front caused the temperature to drop considerably this Sunday in Mendoza if compared to previous days. The maximum barely reached 10 degrees during the afternoon and the province returned to gray and cloudy days.

At the beginning of a new week, at least the first two business days, Monday and Tuesday, there will be conditions that will be very similar to those of Sunday. “Partly cloudy and cold with moderate winds from the southern sector and snowfall in the mountains,” anticipates the forecast of Climatic Contingencies for Monday, with a maximum of 9º and minimum of 4º.

For Tuesday the scenario will be similar, but with a maximum of 12º degrees and a day also under clouds. It will be the day that will mark the gradual rise in temperature that will continue in the following days.

Good weather this week in Mendoza from Wednesday onwards. Photo: Santiago Tagua/MDZ.

Even for Wednesday, a day with moments of sunshine and a maximum of 15 degrees is expected; as well as a temperature of 18º for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Although there will be variable cloudiness, it will be three consecutive days of very pleasant autumn afternoons in Mendoza. Even for Saturday, some forecasts anticipate that the thermometer could read 20 degrees. Finally, on Sunday there will be continuity of good weather, but a slight decrease (maximum of 16º).


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