Two drunk drivers caused traffic accidents and another was arrested for dangerous driving

Two drunk drivers caused traffic accidents and another was arrested for dangerous driving
Two drunk drivers caused traffic accidents and another was arrested for dangerous driving

Three police events related to drunk drivers They were reported by the Mendoza Police. They occurred in the last hours of Saturday and the first hours of Sunday.

As a result of handling with alcohol behind the wheel In two cases there were traffic accidents and in another, the person who was driving a motorcycle drunk was arrested.

Fortunately, no fatalities were reported in these events, but a woman, a companion of a motorcyclist, suffered injuries and was hospitalized in the Central Hospital.

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Traffic accidents in Guaymallén and Godoy Cruz

After 10 p.m. on Saturday, on Hilario Cuadros streets and the north side of the East Access, in Guaymallén, a drunk driver crashed into another vehicle. The incident occurred when a VW Suran car was traveling along Hilario Cuadros from north to south and when it reached the traffic light it gave a red light but while waiting for the green light to move forward, for reasons that are being established, it was collided in the rear by a truck. RAM that circulated through the same artery.

The driver of this last vehicle is a Chilean citizen, 49 years old, who was tested and gave 2.77 grams of alcohol in his blood when the limit is 0.5. The man was arrested and his car was seized.

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Already in the first minutes of this Sunday, a drunk motorcyclist collided with a bus in Godoy Cruz, around 0:40.

It was in Paso de Los Andes and Benjamín Matienzo. A motorcycle was driven by a 24-year-old individual, accompanied by a 22-year-old woman. They were on a 125 cc Yamaha along Matienzo Street from east to west and when they reached Paso de Los Andes Street, for reasons that are being established, they collided with a Mercedes Benz group 400 internal 12 bus that was traveling along Paso de Los Andes Street from north to south.

Inmate 138 of the SEC (Coordinated Emergency Service) was present and attended to the girl with a fractured right leg and various multiple traumas so she was transferred to the Central Hospital.

Municipal Transit tested both drivers for alcohol, which showed 1.33 blood alcohol levels for the driver on the motorcycle, while the driver on the bus tested negative.

SEC Ambulance.jpg

An ambulance from the Coordinated Emergency Service (SEC) transported a young woman with injuries to the Central Hospital.

Finally, at 2 in the morning, a 46-year-old motorcyclist was arrested in Suipacha and Olascoaga, in the City.

A call alerted 911 about a motorcycle that was driving dangerously. When police personnel arrived, they began patrolling and found the Zanella 250 cc motorcycle driving strangely, so they ordered it to stop. Municipal Transit carried out the alcohol test which gave 1.44 grams of alcohol in the blood.

The arrested person and the vehicle were taken to police headquarters.


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