In the City of Mendoza, the opening of commercial premises doubled compared to the decreases

In the City of Mendoza, the opening of commercial premises doubled compared to the decreases
In the City of Mendoza, the opening of commercial premises doubled compared to the decreases

The trend in openings is local stores, both from large supermarket chains and from Mendoza entrepreneurs. Also cafes and restaurants.

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Warehouses are gaining space in commercial and investment trends in the City of Mendoza.

Photo: Nicolás Rios / Diario UNO

In 2023 there were 806 new businesses that were installed in the Capital of Mendoza and 336 lowered their blinds.

The mayor Suarez He stated in dialogue with UNO that “the highs double the lows, the curve is similar to last year and our intention is that Let’s end the year this way“.

Commercial registrations and cancellations in the City of Mendoza

The communal chief admitted that the impact of the economic crisis is felt and just as there is new ventures and capital that invest in Mendoza, there is also the counterpart of the closureseven layoffs.

“All our policies are focused on accompanying commerce with a dashboard, where we monitor the area where commercial activity is growing and what we aim to do is improve the business climate with incentives, with tax benefits “Yes, we can do it from the municipal government, in the meantime we have high expectations that indicators will improve at the national level,” Suarez explained.

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Mayor Ulpiano Suarez during a promotional activity for the galleries.

Mendoza City Press

In this sense, he stated that work is being done in the hot spots of the downtown area such as Córdoba, Patricias Mendocinas, Godoy Cruz, Colón and Belgrano streets.

Active city, a business promotion program

Among the programs that the mayor highlighted, he placed special emphasis on Active City, which is a program of the City of Mendoza that seeks to promote private investment, job creation and sustainable urban development. The program is based on three main axes:

  • Promotion of private investment: Business rate exemptions are offered for new business premises, depending on the area. For example, in the Western Zone, new commercial premises are exempt from 100% of the rate during the first year and 50% during the second.
  • Promotion of the creation of genuine employment.
  • Strengthening sustainable urban development.

Suarez stressed that they are working to offer alternatives to improve the sustainability of businesses, thinking about their reality and how they can adapt to the life of the city.

“What we are proposing is the running schedule for the benefits it has in terms of energy savings, for the economy for the commercial employee who has to travel several times a day and of course for the tourist who wants to take advantage of the day” , he stated.

This idea is being promoted and there is a consensus in 70% of the premises, especially the busiest commercial area.

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The City of Mendoza wants to promote downtown galleries, such as the Piazza.

Mendoza City Press

“As mayor I am going to fight for there to be an agreement and we can implement it, it is one of the actions we are taking to sustain and accompany the trade that contributes 19% to the total Gross Domestic Product of the province,” he stressed.

The idea was also well received by the Commercial Employees Center (CEC) and they asked that lunch hours be respected.

Boost to activity in galleries

Also as another of the actions to boost sales and sustain commercial activity, the radical mentioned the promotion of galleries.

“He differential that the open-air shopping center of the City has, is that while you can tour the premises, look at the windows, you can enjoy the streets, the squares and the services. It is something totally different from what a shopping center offers, which is the same anywhere in the world,” said Suarez.

These actions are added to the initiative of tastings, artistic shows, interventions, raffles and discounts. These were the attractions that Vino a la Piazza had, to encourage commercial development in the galleries.

“From the municipality we remain committed to commercial development. We are promoting activity in the galleries of the City, with artistic shows and attractive promotions. We also present ‘The Day of the Galleries’, a program that will allow you to enjoy discounts from 15% every Tuesday at the Piazza Gallery. We invite other galleries to join this initiative,” the mayor concluded.

The crisis had a deep impact on sales and job losses

This week the head of the CEC, Fernando Ligorriaassured that at least 70 people lost their jobs in the commerce sector. Ligorria warned when comparing these numbers with 2023 and stated that the crisis is 20% higher than the previous period.

For its part, the Business Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Tourism and Services, Adrián Alín, analyzed that the economic situation is bad and this is reflected in the drop in sales.

Alín stressed that the costs of services and rents must be added, so The problems of the sector are diverse.

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