Mendoza will host Cofedec and Cofeci, where consumer and internal trade issues will be addressed: Government of Mendoza Press

Mendoza will host Cofedec and Cofeci, where consumer and internal trade issues will be addressed: Government of Mendoza Press
Mendoza will host Cofedec and Cofeci, where consumer and internal trade issues will be addressed: Government of Mendoza Press

National and provincial authorities will meet in Mendoza on June 5, 6 and 7 to discuss issues of common interest related to the defense of consumer rights and the development of internal trade. The meeting, which will take place at the Royal Princess Hotel, will be the venue for Assembly No. 107 of the Federal Council for Consumer Defense (Cofedec) and the Federal Council of Domestic Trade (Cofeci).

Within the framework of Assembly No. 107 of Cofedec, of which Mendoza will host, the provincial director of Consumer Defense, Mónica Lucero, and the director of Inspection and Control, Leandro Roldán, will receive the secretary of Industry and Commerce, Pablo Lavigne; to the Undersecretary of Consumer Defense and Commercial Loyalty, Fernando Martín Blanco Muiño, and to representatives of the Argentine provinces to analyze issues related to consumer rights.

Among the topics to be discussed is the status of the measures issued regarding prepaid medicine, addressing the problems faced by consumers in this sector. The current situation of credit cards will also be discussed, seeking solutions to the difficulties that users encounter in terms of cancellations and refunds of amounts charged in excess.

A central issue will be the supervision of contracts of student tourism and prepaid medicine companies, with the aim of guaranteeing the protection of consumer rights in these services. The necessary measures will be analyzed to ensure that contracts comply with current regulations and adequately protect the interests of users.

Carrying out joint actions with inspectors from the National Authority and the provinces will be another very relevant issue. It seeks to establish collaboration mechanisms to strengthen inspection and control throughout the country, guaranteeing compliance with regulations and consumer protection.

Regarding internal trade, Assembly No. 107 of Cofeci will focus on the issuance of the Cofeci Regulations, a fundamental step for the functioning of the organization. In addition, the current situation of legal metrology and inspection actions regarding the display of prices, expired products, scales, misleading advertising and other aspects relevant to consumer protection will be analyzed.

The program also includes the evaluation of programs, such as Cuota Simple, Tourist Consumer Protection, electronic terminals and commercial transactions with credit or debit cards, seeking to optimize their operation and maximize their impact in the defense of consumer rights.

Another topic with strong interest will be the analysis of the value chain in the importation of yerba mate in bulk and its subsequent packaging in local products. An effort will be made to identify possible irregularities and establish control measures to guarantee the quality and safety of this product, which is so important to Argentine culture.

Finally, the complaint to Facebook will be addressed, for being a platform for the sale of products that put the health of consumers at risk. The necessary measures will be analyzed to protect the users of this social network and prevent products that may affect their health from being marketed.

The meeting of Cofedec and Cofeci in Mendoza is presented as a unique opportunity to address crucial issues for the defense of consumer rights and the development of internal trade in Argentina.

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