They inaugurated an exhibition on Diseño Chaya

They inaugurated an exhibition on Diseño Chaya

This exhibition is composed of the works of: Nelson Espinosa, Emilse Hrellac, Eliana Bustamante, Cintia Vanesa Ortiz, Cintia Fernández de la Vega, Patricia Linares, Claudia Evangelina Granillo, Jimena Vera Psaró, Carlos Omar Rodríguez, Melanie Sofía González, María Eugenia Cano , Ezequiel Nicolás Ferrari, Cristina del Valle García, Gabriel Cano, Laura Alejandra Ruiz and Evangelina Tarabanoff.

“Diseno Chaya” rewards the production of creative pieces that contain a strong sense of identity and are representative of the most traditional celebration of the Rioja people: “La Chaya”.

You will be able to visit it until June 27, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the Ministry of Culture (May 25, 76).

Every year in La Rioja preparations begin to celebrate “la Chaya”, the most important folkloric and popular festival in the Province that coincides with the dates of the carnival in the month of February. In the neighborhoods, in the towns and on the streets, flour, water and basil, music and rituals are mixed to celebrate this ancestral tradition that is still a true tinkunaco where pre-Hispanic, colonial and current elements interact.

This festival, like any other that arises from ancestral tradition, has an origin and meaning that is often different, depending on who is recounting those events.

facts. Even so, carnival is today a universal celebration that takes on different colors depending on each country, province and city.

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