Successful international meeting organized by Pro O’Higgins and Corfo

Successful international meeting organized by Pro O’Higgins and Corfo
Successful international meeting organized by Pro O’Higgins and Corfo

The highly sought-after Corfo program that Corporación Pro O’Higgins was awarded, Impulsa O’Higgins Sostenible, was an “adventure” of innovation and entrepreneurship that had its closing event in a large international meeting that took place on the 29th and 30th of May at the Las Palmeras de Rancagua events center, with close to 320 attendees.

To reach the summit event, Pro O’Higgins and Corfo toured the region motivating entrepreneurs to innovate and dare, looking for solutions to adapt to climate change and the circular economy in their business models. This is how three seminars were held in the different provinces, reaching a total of 300 participants.

Afterwards, the invitation was virtual in a webinar that had nearly 500 connections, the conversation about entrepreneurship with sustainable solutions was encouraged, and the ground was prepared for the international event, which was a space where speakers from Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Chile participated. , workshop leaders, mentors and entrepreneurs exhibited their sustainable bets in an exhibition that aroused great interest from attendees.

Authorities such as the Regional Governor, Pablo Silva, joined this event; deputy Diego Schalper; the Seremi of Economy, Darío García; the Seremi of the Environment, Giovanna Amaya; the regional director of Corfo O’Higgins, Óscar Ávila; the Vice Chancellor of Inacap Rancagua headquarters, Ángelo Palazzi and the general manager of Pro O’Higgins, Braulio Guzmán.

“First, thank Corporación Pro O’Higgins and Corfo for making this event possible in the context of such a relevant issue, climate change, which is permanent and we must be very attentive. We value that entrepreneurs incorporate it as a challenge for their production, we are happy and committed to continuing working to address this problem in the region, the country and the world,” said the Regional Governor, Pablo Silva.

For the general manager of Pro O’Higgins, Braulio Guzmán, Impulsa O’Higgins Sostenible was an enriching event and the invitation is to install sustainability in regional entrepreneurship.

“Sustainable development is a mission that we have as a Corporation, but it is also an urgent conversation because we are in the middle of a climate crisis, we need and must do things differently. The two days that we were talking about adaptation to climate change and the circular economy, it is a conversation that does not end there, but rather begins, to rethink our endeavors and ask ourselves the question: Why are we doing things the way we do? Do we do them if we should do them sustainably? That is the contribution that together with Corfo we have made with this program, to the ecosystem of the region,” explained the general manager of Pro O’Higgins.

Óscar Ávila, regional director of Corfo O’Higgins, pointed out that his entity is building a sustainable region and “to do so we require the contribution of all actors, it has been a great experience to be in the three provinces, sharing with different entrepreneurs from the 33 communes. We are democratizing access to our programs to, together with other actors, generate the appropriate conditions to strengthen our ecosystem. We thank Pro O’Higgins and its community of partner companies and the Regional Government that has allowed us to obtain resources to promote sustainability.”

The Seremi of Economy of O’Higgins, Darío García, highlighted that “the focus of President Boric’s government is that the economic development of the region has the three pillars of sustainability: economic, socio-cultural and environmental. Many of the entrepreneurs who join us today propose innovative solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change.”

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