«After going through a dictatorship, censoring a work is inadmissible»

Monday, June 3, 2024, 08:50

| Updated 08:59h.

Messages regarding the censorship of the Logroño City Council of the work ‘Despiporre’, criticism of the hospitality industry, the misuse of the Emergency Service, the lack of parking at the University of La Rioja and the scooters in Espolón are some of the calls to our section.

  1. About ‘Despotorre’

The play ‘Despotorre’ was performed normally in Logroño, although its cancellation in Cuco has raised many criticisms, such as those of Blanca or Félix. The first explains that “after going through a dictatorship, censoring a work contracted months ago is inadmissible.” “Culture should not be censored,” she says, while Félix describes the decision as “shameful.”

  1. An elevated pedestrian crossing for Gran Vía

Enrique is a reader who passes daily through the Gran Vía pedestrian crossing that leads to the República Argentina passage and where he assures that pedestrians risk their lives because of the speed of some drivers. “I suggest a pedestrian overpass, as there are many others in the city,” he says.

  1. Criticisms regarding the hospitality industry

From Logroño, two readers agree in criticizing the hospitality industry. The first, because she remembers when she “denounced those who went down to the Ebro park to drink a bottle and now, when the older people do it in the street, they agree.” The second, a neighbor of Siervas de Jesús “for 60 years” who denounces that, in her opinion, the bars “have not only taken over Laurel Street, but also Bretón de los Herreros.” «They say that they pay their taxes, but so do the neighbors. “They always regret everything,” she concludes. For her part, Antonio censures that “it is a shame how the center is with bars and terraces, noise…”. He considers that Logroño “has gotten out of control”, asks for more inspections of the tourist apartments and thanks the Local Police “for fining the riffraff who make the city an uninhabitable place on weekends.”

Amelia calls to say that “in fifteen minutes while I was having a coffee sitting in El Espolón, three scooters passed at full speed from Sagasta to La Rioja Avenue.” “I’m fed up because they can hurt pedestrians,” denounces this caller.

  1. About the misuse of the Emergency Service

Alfonso, a doctor, gets angry with the criticism of Emergencies and Primary Care. “If we made responsible use of public services, we would not have 12 hours of waiting in the emergency room or 15 days of waiting in primary care,” he analyzes. «If someone can wait 12 hours it is because they can wait 12 hours and if they can wait seven days it is because they can wait. “The patient does not die,” he says and explains that one cannot go, for example, to the Emergency Room, with lumbar pain that has existed for 25 days. “Please, let’s make responsible use of the services,” he demands and, if not, he invites “implementing a payment for their misuse.”

  1. Little parking at the university

To conclude, Ana wants to show her discomfort because the parking lot at the University of La Rioja is “always full of cars.” A new building is going to be built in the area and this caller wonders: “Where do they expect all these people to park?”

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The uneven tiles of Vara de Rey

The residents of Vara de Rey remember that it was not so long ago that this road was fixed. However, on the Logroño street you can see that there is an unevenness between some of the floor tiles. It is not something aesthetic, although it is not pretty either, the problem is that “that can cause us to stumble and fall,” points out one reader. “This one is at number 15,” she finishes.

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    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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