“I’ve been trying to get rid of my nerves since yesterday, but I’m looking forward to the EBAU”

When there were barely 45 minutes left for the Rioja students to be called to their respective classrooms to take part in the EBAU (Baccalaureate Assessment for University Access), the nerves were latent. Outside the UR University Sports Center, which It became a large classroom, many of the candidates tried to overcome their nervousness this Monday by reviewing their Spanish Language and Literature notes, while others resorted to their cell phones and, the vast majority, preferred to talk with their high school classmates. “I have already tried to stop studying because reviewing at the last minute only makes us nervous,” said Pepe Ochoa, a Jesuit student who tried to stay calm, despite the fact that his classmate “does nothing but repeat the syllabus to me.” «I have been trying to get rid of my nerves since yesterday, but I face the EBAU with enthusiasm. Let’s see what happens,” this young man added that although he has already been admitted to an international degree in Holland, he was going to face this test “just in case, because you never know.”

Near him, his partner Inés Moreno admitted that she was “very nervous.” “I tried to go to bed early, but I woke up early to do the last review and consolidate my knowledge,” said this student who was worried about her EBAU result because “they ask me for a lot of grades to study Psychology.” Soon, in one of the groups that gathered near the Sports Center field, Sara López confessed that she was “nervous”, because “although in the end it is one more exam that we have to do, in which there is not much content, it influences the pressure of risking everything in one day,” highlights this student from IES Cosme García. In her case, she was grateful for having been able to choose to take the exam in this call for History of Spain or Philosophy. “It is the best option, because there are people who, like me, are bad at History,” said this student before continuing to review the syllabus with her friends.

Already from one of the benches, Lucía Hermoso de Mendoza acknowledged that she faced this test “with a little nerves, but the effort has already been made. “All that remains is to do the exams.” This student from IES Batalla de Clavijo took advantage of the last minutes she had left before the exams to give her last review of Spanish Language and Literature. «Yesterday I studied a little and I slept well. I hope Buero Vallejo or Gil de Biedma enter,” said this young woman with a smile, who was grateful to be able to take the Philosophy exam alone because “History of Spain is a lot of syllabus.”

In another group, one of the university applicants confessed to her classmates that “I’m nervous about what’s going to happen, not about the exam itself.” “It’s been difficult for me to sleep, because I’m a little nervous,” Inés Carbonell admitted a few moments later, who worked hard during this last week to absorb as much content as possible. “I have studied this week, but I have completed everything and I face the test quite well, because I only take four subjects,” he explained before highlighting that it seemed “pretty good” to him that he had been able to choose between History of Spain or Philosophy because «They are not comparable at all. For me, with the memorization technique, it is much easier to study Philosophy, because each story is different. “It is more difficult to remember all the dates, names and periods in the History of Spain,” she concluded.

Little by little, each of the students began to enter the sports venue. Once seated at their desks, the pens became for many their particular anti-stress in this ordinary call, which 1,540 students face (1,433 of them will be examined in the mandatory and voluntary phase that they have chosen, and 107, only in the voluntary phase).


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