Help, a puppy at home!

Help, a puppy at home!
Help, a puppy at home!

The puppies are adorable. Few can resist the sweetness of a small dog or cat and that is what often pushes us to have a pet, but we must keep in mind that this apparent toy is a being. alive. “Before having a puppy you have to do a good reflection at home about whether we are going to have time and money, because veterinary expenses are important,” explains veterinarian Carlos Bustillo, from the Bustillo Veterinarios clinic in Logroño, who also points out that You have to know how to choose the breed, due to its different characteristics. And having a Yorkshire Terrier is not the same as having a Bulldog.

“Having everything clear, you have to choose a good diet and, first of all, take it to the veterinarian to listen to it and rule out congenital pathologies,” recommends Carlos Bustillo. Of course, while the rabies vaccine is mandatory for dogs, cats, in La Rioja, do not have to be vaccinated. As a precaution, the puppies have always been kept at home, without going outside during their first months of life in order to prevent diseases, although current good veterinary treatments already greatly reduce that time. «Diseases transmitted by animals, such as parvovirus or distemper, have been greatly reduced, since the majority are vaccinated. Yes, you have to be very careful at first not to take them to groups, but it is good to take them out as soon as possible so they can socialize, so that they receive a lot of stimulation, play with them a lot,” recommends Carlos Bustillo.

Carlos Bustillo |Bustillo Veterinarians

«Before having a puppy we must reflect on whether we have time and money»

Celia Alesanco | feline ethologist

«The ideal is that it should be kept with the mother and the litter until it is at least three months old»

«It is not convenient for him to stay alone at home the first few days, we should be able to be with him»

Ana Rodriguez

canine trainer

It is also essential that the animal has its own safe place at home and does not depend too much on us so that it does not cause stress and is independent. For the feline ethologist Celia Alesanco, author of the book ‘Cats. Instruction manual’, “the socialization period is very important.” «The ideal is that it should be kept with the mother and the litter until it is at least three months old, and if it is longer, the better. And if it is not possible, the ideal is for it to go to a house where it lives with other cats, after doing the corresponding tests and presentations,” warns Alesanco because, he points out, cats that live alone from a very young age are more likely to have episodes. of aggression in the future.

“It is essential not to play with them with your hands or feet because, although it can be funny when they are babies, it can become a serious problem when they grow up, so it is essential that you have toys or interact with them with canes,” he explains. In addition to his own safe space, the cat must have his own sandbox, feeder and scratching post at home, because otherwise he will scratch the furniture in his need to sharpen his claws and that habit will be difficult to eliminate. If we decide to neuter him, which is recommended, the ideal is to wait until six months. “The best thing is to always consult with your trusted veterinarian and follow the protocols that they tell us,” explains Celia Alesanco.

Harness better than collar

In the case of dogs, the canine educator Ana Rodríguez (Dejando Huella) also recommends, if possible, if the situation is not extraordinary, not taking care of a puppy less than three months old if it lives with the mother and siblings. . “It is also not advisable for the dog to be left alone at home for the first few days, we should have a few days of vacation to be able to be with him and, for example, get him used to our exits and entrances from the home and being at home,” warns Ana Rodríguez. Dogs quickly learn to relieve themselves outside the home, but to do so it is necessary to be strict with fixed walking schedules and that these are not only long enough but also of quality, in environments that are as natural as possible. Getting him used to being alone will not only be good for him, it will also save us a lot of problems.

«We should encourage calm with our attitude more than with words. It would also be ideal if we did not introduce the puppy to the family all at once in the first few days but rather that it be something more leisurely, in very short periods of time, little by little, no matter how excited we are,” explains Ana Rodríguez. As for the socialization of the dog, the sooner it starts, the better, although safely. “I would try to find safe spaces, such as a garden or a private property, with other dogs that we know are up to date on vaccines and have good behavior,” says the dog trainer, who also recommends avoiding collars and walking the dog with a harness. and a long but fixed leash so that the dog can sniff with some freedom.

And something that may be an open secret, the ‘sirocco’ at 8:00 p.m. «It is normal that they want to run, play and bite. You don’t have to scold them but rather implement strategies so that this improves,” warns Rodríguez. And, as a canine trainer, she advises: “Let’s not wait until we have problems to have an educator, the ideal is to work on behaviors early as a preventive measure.”

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