This is what the exams and highest cut-off marks are like

This Monday, June 3, the Baccalaureate students of La Rioja and Madrid are the first to face the university entrance test, the last year in which the current exam will remain in force before the test is gradually transformed .

Nine out of ten students pass the University entrance exams (EVAU OR EBAU), formerly known as selectivity, tests that begin today in Madrid and La Rioja.

The access and admission tests whose technical name is PEvAU or EBAU, known as Selectivity, will follow a structure similar to that of previous years. , La Rioja (Spain). In Madrid, 39,244 students take the test and in La Rioja there are 1,540 aspiring university students registered to take the tests.

The main change to this year’s test is that students will be able to choose between History of Spain or History of Philosophy to be examined in the access phase. There’s also twelve new subjects in the different specific modalities and new exam formatsincluding the performance of artistic proofs with easel included.

The students of Balearic Islands They will be the last to appear, the days June 11, 12 and 13. One day after the students from Madrid and Rioja, the young people from Madrid will begin their Selectivity tests. Andalusia, Aragon, the Principality of Asturias, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, the Valencian Community, Extremadura, Galicia and Navarrawhich will be examined on days June 4, 5 and 6. Lastly, the days June 5, 6 and 7 students will be examined Cantabria, Castilla y León, Canary Islands, the Region of Murcia and the Basque Country.

Refering to extraordinary callthe first to take the EBAU 2024 exam will be students from Navarra, who will take their tests on June 26, 27 and 28.

Subsequently, students from Castilla-La Mancha will be examined in the extraordinary phase on July 1, 2 and 3, while on July 2, 3 and 4 the tests will be carried out in Andalusia, Aragon, Community of Madrid, Valencian Community, Extremadura and Galicia.

In addition, on July 3, 4 and 5, students from Cantabria, the Canary Islands, La Rioja, the Region of Murcia and the Basque Country will take the exam.

On July 8, 9 and 10 it will be the turn to take the extraordinary call for the University access test for students from the Principality of Asturias and Castilla y León, while on July 9, 10 and 11 they will take the young people of the Balearic Islands test their tests.

The only students who will take the extraordinary phase of the EBAU in September will be those from Catalonia, who will take their exams on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of this month.

This exam, which is valid indefinitely, consists of four tests: Language and Literature; History of Spain or History of Philosophy; Foreign language; and Chosen core subject that defines the Baccalaureate modality. In those autonomous communities with a co-official language there will also be a co-official language and Literature II test.

In Madrid, the first of the exams that were taken this Monday was the Spanish Language and Literature exam, in which the students were asked about Naturalism and Realismwho had to comment on a newspaper article by Antonio Jimenez Barca on the quality of sleep of Spaniards and a text from the psychiatrist Marian Rojas Estapéas the students themselves have declared to the media upon leaving the test.

This is the article Spain sleeps little and badlyby Jiménez Barca and published in The country on June 25, 2023, and from a fragment of the book How to make good things happen to you (Espasa, 2018), by Dr. Rojas Estapé.

This call will be the last in which the format promoted in 2020 is maintained, conditioned by the pandemic and the closure of educational centers, so more facilities were given to students, in essence greater optionality in the questions.

First day of the EBAU tests at the sports center of the University of la Rioja, in Logroño. Alberto Ruiz

This year, as a novelty, students will be able to choose between two subjects to access higher education, which are History of Spain or History of Philosophywhich this year has become a core subject with the application of the new educational reform (Celaá Law), whose full entry into force has occurred this year.

In addition to this, for the first time, high school graduates will be able to raise their grade in the elective or admission phase with one of these two history subjects, as long as it has been provided for by the university where they want to enter.

Those who wish improve your admission grade They may be examined in at least two other subjects. These may be either two modality subjects from the 2nd year of Baccalaureate, or one modality subject and the common subject that they had not previously chosen when choosing between History of Spain and History of Philosophy, as long as the university plans to take into account the qualification of these last two subjects in their admission processes.

In this way, practically the same exam structure will be followed, with 90 minute tests and a minimum 30 minute rest interval between the end of one test and the start of the next.

The approval in 2021 of the Lomloe – better known as the Celaá Law – requires much more competent teaching (knowing how to apply what has been learned), which implies more reflection and critical thinking and less reliance on memory.

One of the consequences is that the tests to enter the University also have to be in line with the new type of teaching and learning, since numerous modifications have also been introduced in the high school curriculum as a result of the Lomloe. In a phased manner, the Celaá Law requires the introduction of jurisdictional changes in the Ebau until its full implementation in 2028.

From 2025, coherence, cohesion, presentation and grammatical, lexical and spelling correctness will account for 10% of the grade of the new Ebau and there will be a single exercise model for each subject, according to the draft royal decree by which regulates access to official university degree education

Depending on the autonomous communities, the tests have different names: EBAU in Asturias, the Canary Islands, La Rioja, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Extremadura, La Rioja and Murcia; PBAU in the Balearic Islands; ABAU in Galicia; EvAU in Madrid, Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha and Navarra, or EAU in the Basque Country, among others.

From 2025, coherence, cohesion, presentation and grammatical, lexical and spelling correction will account for 10% of the grade of the new Ebau and there will be a single exercise model for each subject, according to the draft of the royal decree by the that regulates access to official university degree education.

What is the exam like?

Evaluation subjects:

1. They will cover the general subjects of the block of core subjects of 2nd year of Baccalaureate of the modality chosen for the test and, where appropriate, the subject Co-official Language and Literature.

2. Students who want to improve their grade may take the exam in at least two optional subjects from the block of core subjects.

Test length:

1. A test will be taken for each subject and there will be a single exam proposal with several questions.

2. Each exam will last 90 minutes and there will be a break between consecutive tests of at least 30 minutes.

Typology of questions:

1. Preferably, the tests will be contextualized in environments close to the students’ lives: personal, family, school and social situations.

2. There will be open and semi-open questions that will require critical thinking, reflection and maturity. Multiple choice questions may also be asked.

Cutting notes

Nine out of ten students pass these tests, the difficult thing is to get a good score to qualify for studies with high demand and, therefore, a high cut-off mark, such as Medicine and the double degree in Mathematics and Physics.

The most in-demand courses this year along with their highest cut-off marks are the following, as compiled by micampus:

Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics: 13,725

Basic and experimental biomedicine: 13.3

Medicine: 13,320

Double Degree in Computer Technology and Mathematics: 13,650

Physiotherapy and Physical Activity and Sports Sciences: 13,600

The university courses with the lowest cut-off gradearound 5, are:

Agricultural engineering

Catalan language and literature

Foreign languages

Cultural Management

Tourism and Leisure

Business Management

Performing Arts

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