Argentina reopens a new market for poultry products after avian influenza

Argentina reopens a new market for poultry products after avian influenza
Argentina reopens a new market for poultry products after avian influenza


After arduous negotiations, The Agricultural and Livestock Service of Chile (SAG) recognized “Argentina free of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).” The decision was made known after a audit of health evaluation with a group of inspectors who arrived in the country between April 15 and 19. That market represented before the disease was known 11% of national shipments.

The neighboring country indicates a report from the Bioeconomy Secretariat, headed by Fernando Vilella, lifted restrictions on imports of birds, poultry products and eggs from our country after the official report of the delegation that was in the country. This happened based on the conclusions of the final report, prepared by the SAG auditors, the Livestock Protection Division determined to recognize Argentina’s HPAI-free status. and lift the suspension measure on imports of birds and products to Chile.

That country and China were the only ones that kept Argentina prohibited from poultry shipments after the declaration of Argentina as a country free of avian influenza that declared the World Organization for Animal Health (WHOA)in August 2023. In this case, China represents 38% of the local poultry market, that is, 262,000 tons similar to 480 million dollars, according to data managed by the national poultry industry.

Chile and China were the last two destinations that had yet to reopen after the WHOA declaration

“Once the review and evaluation of the production system of shell eggs for human consumption in Argentina has been completed, together with the control and supervision maintained by Senasa, the SAG determined to delegate the authorization of these establishments to export their products to Chile to said national organization. ”, specified the agricultural portfolio.

They indicated that in this case, The health certification for SAG validation must include the requirements established in Resolution No. 1,559 of 1995. that “establishes sanitary requirements for the importation of eggs for consumption,” and the declaration: “The products come from a producing establishment authorized by Senasa to export to Chile and officially registered with the SAG.”.

Meanwhile, in the agricultural portfolio, they mentioned that “This reopening of the market for Argentine products is the result of the work carried out by Senasa together with the Secretariat of Bioeconomy and the Ministry of Foreign AffairsInternational Trade and Cult of the Nation.”

In the poultry industry they remembered that The WHOA declared Argentina free of avian influenza again in October of last year. However, they mentioned that There are countries that open the markets with this declaration, while others, as was the case of Chile and China, decided to audit the refrigeration plants and Senasa in person to see the guarantees that the country offers to be able to enable it again. Chile carried out these audits at the end of last April, while China did so in May, so there is still no news about the results of this last destination.

Chile represents 11% of shipments abroad AVIANZA – AVIANZA

The validation and publication of the The WHOA’s report on the health status of Argentina as free of the disease was intended to recover the country’s export markets. In the middle of last year, it was known about the culmination of health actions in the last outbreak of IAPP in poultry (commercial circuit), Senasa sent the OMSA a document with all the health actions carried out since the beginning of the outbreak, which supports and sustains Argentina’s current condition as a country free of the disease.

Avian influenza type A is a notifiable contagious disease, caused by a virus that affects many avian species and had never been present in Argentina, which is why it is considered exotic. Waterfowl, in particular, are considered an important reservoir for this virus. It is worth remembering that in Argentina it was detected for the first time in a wild bird in Jujuy.. Faced with this scenario, at that time, the government of Alberto Fernández declared a health emergency.


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