Critical situation in Boyacá due to landslides on the roads: “We are cut off from communication”

Critical situation in Boyacá due to landslides on the roads: “We are cut off from communication”
Critical situation in Boyacá due to landslides on the roads: “We are cut off from communication”

Several emergencies are recorded in Boyacá. The Rains in recent hours have caused landslides on some roads. Mobility towards Casanare remains restricted.

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It doesn’t stop raining in the apartment. Several of the roads that connect with Casanare are affected by landslides.

Merchants, drivers and community ask for help

“We call on the national and departmental Government at this time of crisis that was exacerbated by the closure of the Cusiana highway and the winter wave that we are experiencing. We are already several communities that are cut off due to the issue of suspension bridges and, in addition to that, “We don’t have energy.”indicated Sandra Riveros, JAC secretary of the Hurta Vieja neighborhood, in Pajarito.

On the other hand, the driver Jorge Quiroz pointed out “they make us suffer, to suffer, to sleep among the cars. Without food and without anything.”

The Cusiana road registers momentary steps. In the last few hours, several water tributaries in the region overflowed.

Major Jesús Vargas, commander of the Boyacá Traffic and Transportation Police, pointed out that “the blockades have been intermittent. The machinery constantly remains there to enable the passages once overflows or slides of material occur on these road sections. “.

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The Sisga transversal remains closed due to loss of banking between the municipalities of Macanal and Santa María. As of now there is no opening date.

“The total closure of the Sisga transversal continues due to the loss of benches, waiting for the next step to be technically defined,” added Major Jesús Vargas.

The municipality of Santa María is isolated from Boyacá. Their sidewalks have damaged roads and fuel is already starting to run out.

“Today from Santa María, Boyacá, I make a report and call on entities that can collaborate with us. We have the municipal roads completely collapsed and we have the national road also collapsed,” said Rubén Darío González García, mayor of Santa María.

The passage between Chivatá and Úmbita through the Puente Sisa sector is also closed, because the El Bosque river overflowed.

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