Minister Cordero detailed the project for a new prison for the Atacama Region

Minister Cordero detailed the project for a new prison for the Atacama Region
Minister Cordero detailed the project for a new prison for the Atacama Region

The Minister of Justice, Luis Corderovisited the Atacama Region to give details about the construction of the new Copiapó prisonpart of the public leftovers announced in the Public Account of President Gabriel Boric last Saturday, June 1.

In the second half of this year the tender for the El Arenal prison will begin, new penitentiary center that will solve prison overpopulation added to infrastructure that has reached its useful life.

“This is a long-awaited project by different administrations, which have made a joint effort to carry it out. The last issues have already been resolved and It is already among the 24 projects in the concessions portfolio that the Minister (of Public Works, Jessica) López has announced for the next two years,” said Minister Cordero, according to the Diario de Atacama.

The schedule for the penitentiary center includes the bidding during the second half of this year, to be awarded in 2025 and come into operation in 2029. The investment contemplated is 230 billion pesosmaking it the largest public investment project in the portfolio for Atacama.

“The Arenal project is probably the most important public work that will be developed in the near future in this region. A project of a very significant magnitude, which is in the context of the concessions system both for construction, operation and authorization,” added Minister Cordero.

This project will have capacity for a population of more than 3,000 inmates (including prisoners and defendants) and a workforce of 500 people (including gendarmes and administrative personnel).


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