Transportation in Córdoba: Passerini said that “for now they will not update the rate” – News

Transportation in Córdoba: Passerini said that “for now they will not update the rate” – News
Transportation in Córdoba: Passerini said that “for now they will not update the rate” – News

The mayor of the city of Córdoba, Daniel Passerini, assured in dialogue with Chain 3 that “for now they will not update” the urban passenger transport rate.

Although he acknowledged that the cost of the ticket “is still insufficient” with respect to the costs it must cover, and should be worth $1,400, he said that they will maintain the commitment to first improve the service with more units and corridors and then make an “adjustment.” .

“If it were not for the contribution of the municipalities, the ticket would have to cost more than $1,400 pesos, the difference between what the user pays and what it is really worth is being paid only by the municipalities,” he acknowledged.

“We committed that when we had completed the corridors of the lines that we committed to improve, there we will analyze the tariff adequacy,” he remarked.

Regarding the rate increases announced by Rosario and Santa Fe, Passerini pointed out that “the cost realities of each city are the responsibility of each mayor and the moment of decision is also a power that we have.”

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Passerini explained in the Senate: “Caste does not travel by bus”

The mayor of the City of Córdoba described as positive the presentation he made in committees in the chambers of Deputies and Senators of the Nation about the situation of public transportation in the interior of the country, together with 22 representatives of the Federal Network of Mayors.

Jointly, the community leaders presented a bill that seeks to reverse the inequitable distribution of transportation subsidies in the interior of the country, compared to those received by CABA and AMBA. Consists of the modification of the distribution of the fuel law fundwith the aim of increasing resources for cities.

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In this regard, Mayor Passerini expressed: “We understand that if there is a political decision to end privileges, we will be there. This is a bad decision that has been made, because it is obstructing and eliminating rights. The caste does not travel by bus“Students, workers, people who are going to produce and move around a city travel by bus.”

“We are representatives and we believe in politics. We want to strengthen democracy but, fundamentally, we want federalism to begin to be the imprint that Argentine politics needs once and for all. We choose the path of dialogue, so that this discussion takes place in the appropriate time and that we begin to balance the asymmetries that directly harm the citizens that we circumstantially represent,” Passerini highlighted.

As he advanced to Chain 3after the senators debate the Bases Law, they will address the issue of the situation of urban passenger transport in Argentina.

“What is good about the project is that it does not create new taxes, fees or subsidies, but rather consists of distributing with common sense a tax that we all pay and that today is concentrated discretionally in the metropolitan area and does not return to the provinces “he explained.

“Córdoba is the second province that contributes the amount of this tax and we ask that 14% be distributed in the interior with the purpose of buying buses and compensating for the adjustments of the increase in fuel and parity of the UTA, which the AMBA does not have because “The government continues to give them subsidies and increased the amount for May, which allowed them to pay the increase in UTA,” he indicated.

“Going for a law is going to the origin of the problem and not to the patch,” he pointed out and assured that “the municipalities make a great effort to ensure that urban transport does not disappear and we cannot continue waiting for a magic solution but we are going for a solution of background”.

Interview by Miguel Clariá

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