Parliamentarians from Los Lagos request transfer of residence of adolescents

Parliamentarians from Los Lagos request transfer of residence of adolescents
Parliamentarians from Los Lagos request transfer of residence of adolescents

An altercation occurred in a teenage residence that the Specialized Protection Service remains on Seminario Street in Puerto Montt, led to extensive police deployment and generated calls from parliamentarians for the home to be moved.

According to the newspaper The Llanquihuethe incidents were recorded at the Pucará residence, where seven young people live, three of whom caused problems, which motivated the call to Carabineros by officials in charge of caring for adolescents.

The incident also alerted the neighbors, who have insisted on the possibility of the residence leaving the neighborhood due to the insecurity problems that occur in this place and its surroundings.

Given this, the senator Fidel Espinoza (PS) stated that “the situation in the Seminario neighborhood has become unsustainable and warrants that the authorities of this organization, which has to do with the custody of minors, take action on the matter because these are serious events. It is not only about robberies and disorders, or violence, but also intimidation and obscene words to minors who pass through that place, heading to their homes and schools.

The legislator asked the Regional Presidential Delegation and the institution that houses the minors to reorganize, “because the State cannot reach these places to cause this type of inconvenience in a population with many elderly adults. They must be organized in such a way as to relocate this space that is causing disturbances that are already daily occurrences.“.

The liberal deputy Alejandro Bernales agreed with this: “I alerted them to the complexities and insecurity experienced in the sector through the Chamber of Deputies, due to complaints from parents who have their children in educational establishments in the sector. Incivities become frequent and the latest raises an urgency“.

He also reported that authorities from the Better Childhood Service promised to carry out the transfer of the residence during the month of July.

Pedro Adriansregional director of the Specialized Protection Service for Children and Adolescents, explained that three adolescents who are being cared for in one of the alternative residential care projects in Puerto Montt, “were involved in situations of deregulation, typical of the impact of the violations they have suffered and which has led to the generation of protection measures by Family Courts, a situation that put stress on both the residence and the neighborhood, but which were addressed at the time by the residence’s teams.

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