Cuba’s request to be removed from the terrorist list circulates as an official document at the UN – Escambray

The text, titled The United States must remove Cuba, once and for all, from the list of States that supposedly sponsor terrorism, describes as unfair the inclusion of the largest of the Antilles in that list.

A statement from the Cuban Government, which demands the end of its designation as a sponsor of terrorism, was published this Wednesday as an official document of the United Nations with a call to end this hostile measure by the United States.

The text, titled The United States must remove Cuba, once and for all, from the list of States that supposedly sponsor terrorism, describes as unfair the inclusion of the largest of the Antilles in that list also made up of North Korea, Iran and Syria. .

The document sent by the island’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Ernesto Soberón, was circulated within the General Assembly and the Security Council to demand the end of the designation of the North American Department of State.

“This is an absolutely unilateral and unfounded list, whose sole purpose is to slander and serve as a pretext for the adoption of coercive economic measures against sovereign States, such as those that are ruthlessly applied against Cuba,” warns the statement signed by the Cuban Foreign Ministry. largest of the Antilles.

At the end of May, Joe Biden’s administration removed the Caribbean country from the list of countries that do not fully collaborate in counterterrorism efforts.

The measure was reported by the North American press after the State Department’s decision to eliminate Cuba from among the countries that, according to the United States, “do not fully cooperate” in the fight against terrorism.

However, the Cuban Government considered the provision insufficient, which is not equivalent to the elimination of the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, which implies serious limitations for the economic and commercial exchange of the Caribbean country.

“The clear and absolute truth is that Cuba does not sponsor terrorism, but has been a victim of it, including state terrorism,” says the statement released this Wednesday by the UN.

The publication recognizes that Cuba’s removal from that list is a high and reiterated demand both by the Cuban people and by numerous governments, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as political, social and religious organizations within the United States itself. and several politicians from that country.

Furthermore, it highlights the economic damage caused by these measures and the intimidating effect that is unleashed against any State that appears mentioned on that list, “regardless of what the truth is.”

“It is not enough to recognize that Cuba cooperates fully with the United States. It also does so with the international community as a whole,” the document demands.

Cuba was first placed on the State Department’s list of sponsors of terrorism during President Ronald Reagan’s administration in 1982.

In 2015, then-president Barack Obama considered that the designation had no merit in the case of the island.

However, on January 12, 2021, a few days before leaving office, Donald Trump bequeathed to his successor Joe Biden the reinclusion of Cuba on the list, something that the Democrat maintains despite the almost unanimous demand of the international community. .

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