Strategik promotes the transformation of Ibagué and Tolima into a leading logistics center in Colombia

Strategik promotes the transformation of Ibagué and Tolima into a leading logistics center in Colombia
Strategik promotes the transformation of Ibagué and Tolima into a leading logistics center in Colombia

It is committed to generating employment, currently reaching 800 direct jobs and 1,600 indirect jobs, with a goal of 3,000 direct jobs.

High level logistics center

Strategik, a visionary company, is leading an ambitious project to convert Ibagué and Tolima into a cutting-edge logistics center in Colombia. Its vision is to highlight the unique attributes of the region, such as its strategic location, advanced infrastructure and operational capacity, to attract domestic and international investments.

According to DANE, In 2024 Tolima has 1.04 million people over 18 years: 533,042 women (51.2%) and 507,573 men (48.8%). In addition, its commitment to tourism and local development has turned the region and its capital into a center of attention for multinationals.

Currently, Tolima and Ibagué lack an effective communication strategy to position them as industrial destinations, and face the challenge of attracting investment. However, Strategik is implementing various strategies to promote the region as a key logistics destination, with an increase of 50.8% in imports between 2021 and 2022, mainly in agroindustrial products.

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“To ensure that this transformation has a positive impact on the local community and the environment, Strategik is committed to generating employment, currently reaching 800 direct jobs and 1,600 indirect jobs, with a goal of 3,000 direct jobs. In addition, they adopt sustainable practices, such as the use of solar energy and the promotion of ecological tourism.”he pointed Andres Sierra, Manager of Strategik.

Andrés Sierra, Manager of Strategik.

The project offers significant opportunities for economic growth and regional development, including the construction of 10 new industrial parks and a free zone. The key milestone includes positioning Ibagué as an internationally recognized logistics city, in turn, this will encourage the national government to strengthen the infrastructure of this area with the expansion of roads such as the double carriageway between Calarcá and Ibagué and expedite the construction of the airport in Flanders.

Strategik works under the regulations (ANI) and has all the necessary permits and certificates for compliance with established legal requirements, mitigating any type of negative impact that affects the laws, the environment or the community.”Sierra said.

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Technology plays a key role in this approach, with Strategik working closely with latest innovations to develop cutting-edge infrastructure. Additionally, they work closely with local and regional authorities to ensure the success of the project and mitigate potential negative impacts, such as traffic congestion or gentrification.

“Strategik is leading an ambitious project to transform Ibagué and Tolima into a world-class logistics center, with a focus on sustainability, innovation and regional development”Sierra concluded.

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