Summer reiterates regional unity to materialize high-impact projects

Summer reiterates regional unity to materialize high-impact projects
Summer reiterates regional unity to materialize high-impact projects


The governor of Atlántico and president of the Administrative Region of Planning, RAP Caribe, Eduardo Verano, highlighted the key points that must be taken into account for dynamic development in socioeconomic matters in the territories.

For this reason, he invited his other colleagues to continue strengthening the unity of administrative authorities with the purpose of materializing projects with regional impact.

The president was one of the guests to the panel ‘The voice of the regions’, moderated by the former director of National Planning, Simón Gaviria, within the framework of the 58th. Convention of the Banking Association and Financial Entities of Colombia -Asobancaria that takes place in Cartagena de Indias at the Convention Center.

The panel included, in addition to the president of the Atlantic people, the governors Dilian Francisca Toro, from Valle del Cauca; and Nubia Carolina Córdoba, from Chocó; and the governors, Yamil Arana, from Bolívar; Erasmo Zuleta, from Córdoba; and Juvenal Díaz, from Santander.

«We have had the opportunity to analyze with the governors of Santander, Valle del Cauca, Chocó. Bolivar and Córdoba the future of the country and the possibilities we have to make investments with the national government for our territories,” said the president of the Atlantic people.

He said that the scenario in which they had just participated in the panel, with the national bank, allowed them to present the objectives of the development plans, which require resources to be able to execute the outlined projects.

Regarding the department of Atlántico, Verano highlighted a solid road infrastructure as axes and in that sense the construction of the Brotherhood Bridge that will link Atlántico with Magdalena is contemplated.

The deconstruction of the old Pumarejo Bridge to launch the port expansion towards municipalities such as Soledad, Malambo, Sabanagrande, among others on the banks of the Magdalena River; There is also the construction of the regional train that will link Barranquilla with Santa Marta and Cartagena, which confirms the regional impact.

Other vital projects are related to the construction of the Atlántico – Cartagena highway; the Caribbean – Atlantic – Bolívar route, an initiative designed to improve connectivity between the two departments, through the intervention of 253 kilometers of the Cordialidad highway; The Barranquilla – Ciénaga road in the Magdalena project connects the Caribbean Trunk and will have 9 kilometers of viaduct and coastal erosion control works.

The president said that the Access Channel to the port area of ​​Barranquilla must be guaranteed and generate confidence in the river market, as well as the exploration of alternatives for the Deep Water Port to compete internationally.

It is also important to have international airports as support for the import and export of products, as well as the mobilization of passengers, which includes completing all the works at the Ernesto Cortissoz airport in Barranquilla, implementing the air maintenance HUB, developing the cargo HUB taking advantage of existing infrastructure.

“Develop the energy HUB of the Greater Caribbean, move solar projects for more than 1,200 mva from potential to reality. Hand in hand with a public policy of healthy coexistence between the electricity sector and agriculture with the latest technologies for multipurpose projects; promote the wind energy project, articulating all actors in a single public-private agenda; facilitate the arrival of non-conventional energy projects such as biogas and organic waste that can be installed in the Caribbean. Support and articulate efforts with Ecopetrol and Petrobras and the communities to ensure that the exploitation of offshore gas in Magdalena and La Guajira becomes a reality and doubles gas reserves starting in 2028,” said Verano.

He added that we must continue promoting solar energy projects for non-interconnected areas (ZNI) that directly contribute to improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable populations in the Caribbean; achieve fair rates and eliminate rate option charges and losses in the current energy system of the Colombian Caribbean region.

In terms of investments, Verano explained what is related to an initial projection of 800,000 million pesos, of which, 300,000 million go to road infrastructure and 300,000 more to resolve the shortage of drinking water and guarantee 100% coverage.

Other amounts are destined to modernize the infrastructure of educational centers, with a goal of 30 new ones; and through the ‘Mi Casa Bacana’ program, support the improvement of housing that provides subsidies of up to 16 million pesos, the acquisition of one’s own home and the legalization of ownership.

Verano added investments aimed at strengthening the health system that includes infrastructure and optimization of services. And he highlighted the strategy of not leaving any young person out of education, because this guarantees them access to their training and opens doors in the labor market.


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