Sancti Spíritus residents redouble their efforts on World Environment Day – Radio Sancti Spíritus

Sancti Spíritus residents redouble their efforts on World Environment Day – Radio Sancti Spíritus
Sancti Spíritus residents redouble their efforts on World Environment Day – Radio Sancti Spíritus

With the recognition of entities with efficient management in the management and protection of natural resources and the commitment to continue working to mitigate impacts on the environment, World Environment Day was celebrated this Wednesday in Sancti Spíritus, a province highlighted for its results in the sector.

Thanks to their work and the measures implemented in recent times, places such as the Marlin marina and the beach front of the Memories Trinidad del Mar hotel, in the southern town, and the Lomas de Banao Ecological Reserve, in the capital of Sancti Spiritus, they stand out in the territory; meanwhile, Fomento is considered a pro-environmental municipality.

Regarding the event on June 5, Néstor Álvarez Cruz, deputy delegate of Science, Technology and Environment in Sancti Spíritus, highlighted in a recent meeting with the press that several companies and institutions implement strategies focused on the care and conservation of ecosystems , above all, through the so-called circular economy.

He insisted that in the current context this is an issue of vital importance and the one that should be promoted the most in the ways to combat pollution; In addition, through it, greater production can be achieved from the use of the endogenous resources that the demarcation has, he said.

Álvarez Cruz commented that work is being done to promote a zero waste policy, an endeavor for which it is necessary to stimulate the use of the territory’s waste in the most efficient way possible and in which the mainstreaming of all these is essential. issues in local development strategy.

Despite the progress that Sancti Spíritus shows, he pointed out that it is urgent to continue working on environmental sanitation, water quality and increasing forest cover, as well as to stop soil degradation, an issue that, due to its significance for other branches such as Agriculture, has a national improvement and conservation program.

Beyond the complex scenario in which the nation continues to develop, in a comprehensive manner, the province pays special attention to actions to confront climate change, an issue that involves, in one way or another, the entire population.

In Cuba, the province of Las Tunas deserved this year’s headquarters for the day; Meanwhile, the campaign for World Environment Day focuses, among other topics, on land restoration, resilience against the effects of drought and desertification.

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