From the Jujuy prison they scammed people from Salta through telephone calls – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

From the Jujuy prison they scammed people from Salta through telephone calls – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
From the Jujuy prison they scammed people from Salta through telephone calls – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

They are accused of carrying out telephone scams by persuading people from different locations in the province of Salta to transfer money in exchange for prizes that turned out to be non-existent.

The activity would have been carried out with the collaboration of family members and acquaintances who facilitated the opening of bank accounts to use the money obtained illegally.

The judge of Guarantees 7, Pablo Zerdangranted the request of the prosecutor of the Complex Economic Crimes Unit (UDEC), Ana Inés Salinas Odorisioand ordered the preventive detention of six people linked to a case of telephone scams carried out from a prison in the province of Jujuy.

These are two women who were arrested on May 17 and four inmates housed in Penitentiary Service 1 of the province of Jujuy who were charged with the crimes of repeated scams in 5 incidents, in real competition with illicit association.

According to what was determined by the UDEC Investigation Unit of the Department of Investigations and Criminology of the CIF, the accused would have defrauded different people from San Carlos, Cachi, San Lorenzo and Palermo, persuading them to transfer money in exchange for receiving prizes from well-known companies. .

This tactic, known as “vishing,” involves scammers using deception and persuasion to commit fraud.

During the investigation carried out by UDEC, a woman involved in this activity was identified, who received money transfers that she later used to recharge telephone calls, buy equipment and personal services. A significant increase in her assets was observed, in addition to discovering several virtual and bank accounts.

An intern had 12 lines

The suspects’ incoming and outgoing calls, as well as their mobile data usage, were examined to determine their location and that of their devices during the investigation. It was verified that they were mostly in the city of San Salvador de Jujuy and it was confirmed that the lines and their users were close to the Penitentiary Service No. 1 of Jujuy at the time of the reported events, which suggests a possible relationship with criminal activities. in jail.

Finally, it was revealed that the person under investigation had a total of 12 telephone lines and maintained constant communication with one of the detainees in prison.

The information collected by investigators revealed links between two women who allegedly collected money illegally, a detainee who led the criminal gang, and three inmates who carried out the fraud through telephone calls.

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