200 police officers, drones, dogs, horses and the trail of a gravel road

200 police officers, drones, dogs, horses and the trail of a gravel road
200 police officers, drones, dogs, horses and the trail of a gravel road

The Corrientes Police have been carrying out a real manhunt since Tuesday night to arrest a man who is accused of murdering two sisters, aged 22 and 9, in the small town of Parada Acuña, in the south of Corrientes. Antonio Villalba, 41 years old and native of Curuzú Cuatiá, a city that is 30 kilometers from the double crime scenedisappeared without a trace.

Investigators do not rule out that Villalba is still hidden in the mountains of the area. That is why they maintain the bolt operation and carry out constant tours with infantry and horse personnel, in addition to having the support of drones who search from the sky for some indication that reveals the presence of the fugitive in the most difficult to access places.

Just a few hours after the double homicide was committed, the Police dogs followed Villalba’s trail to provincial route 25, a gravel road that leads to Curuzú Cuatiá and Colonia Libertad, which led the animal guides to assume that the man could have gotten into a vehicle who passed by the place.

The operation is led by the head of the Corrientes Police, Commissioner General Alberto Arnaldo Molina; and the Undersecretary of Security, Osvaldo de los Santos García. The prosecutor in the case, Federico Gutiérrez, ordered a search at the house of the fugitive’s relatives, in Curuzú Cuatiá, but Villalba was not found.

This Thursday, a hundred people accompanied the sisters’ relatives Isondú Marisel Fernández (22) and Aitana (9) at the funeral that took place in the Curuzú Cuatiá cemetery, where both were from.

The crime occurred on Tuesday afternoon and was discovered by the partner of the eldest sister when she returned from work at a ranch.

Miguel Andrés Zárate (24) he managed to see when Villalba escaped from the house. The young man knew him from Curuzú and gave him accommodation until I get a job in one of the fields in the area.

As soon as he entered the house, he found Isondú’s body with numerous cuts on his arms and two stab wounds in his chest; while her little sister-in-law lay without vital signs in a bed. The police doctor established that she died by hanging herself with the belt of her overalls.

The Minister of Security of Corrientes, Buenaventura Duarte, said that the youngest of the victims had been sexually harassed by the murdererwhich is why he had gone to his older sister.

That is why it is not ruled out that the minor’s crime occurred during an attempted sexual attack. And that Isondú was murdered when she found the now fugitive strangling the girl.

At first the version circulated that Villalba was a schizophrenic patient, but the residents of Parada Acuña said that They didn’t notice anything strange in his behavior. and that it was common for him to accompany Aitana to make purchases at a business in the area.

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