Puma spotted near Kelley Park in San José – NBC Bay Area

Puma spotted near Kelley Park in San José – NBC Bay Area
Puma spotted near Kelley Park in San José – NBC Bay Area

A cougar was spotted near a park Thursday in San Jose, according to a city post on its X account.

The sighting would have occurred near Kelley Park located at 1300 Senter Road and near Happy Hollow Zoo.

On Wednesday, several residents south of the city reported seeing a feline prowling the yards of several homes.

So far it is unknown if it is the same animal.

If you encounter a puma, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • Don’t get close to him
  • Back away slowly, giving the animal room to escape, and leave the area.
  • Try to look bigger by raising your arms and moving them from one side to the other. You can also make loud noises to scare him away.
  • Do not turn your back or run as this could cause the puma to chase you.
  • Pick up pets or children without bending
  • If the puma attacks you, fight

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