Six people who scammed Peruvians from the capital of Santa Cruz are sent to jail

Six people who scammed Peruvians from the capital of Santa Cruz are sent to jail
Six people who scammed Peruvians from the capital of Santa Cruz are sent to jail

Six people, between nationals and foreigners, fThey were sent preventively to jail this Thursday, after being accused of carrying out virtual scams and extortion against citizens and companies in the neighboring country of Peru from inside an operations center installed in the capital of Santa Cruz.

The investigation against these people It came about thanks to a complaint from the Peruvian authoritieswho requested help from the Bolivian Police to dismantle a network of scammers who operated, illegally, selling invoices for the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat) of Peru.

Erik Holguín, departmental commander of the Santa Cruz Police, indicated that the greatest economic damage was caused to the Republic of Peru, however, he clarified that The Bolivian State was also affected because money entered the country that was not declared at the border and became “fraudulent.”

The gang of scammers, made up of Peruvians, Bolivians and Venezuelans, charged 30% of the amount billed and they received the money through transfers. In addition, he managed around Bs 70,000 of money monthly.

For her part, prosecutor Mirtha Mejía indicated that she charged the six detainees in jail with the alleged crimes of illicit enrichment affecting the State and favoring illicit enrichment.

This network of scammers used a server that was administered in Peru by other people, who are already being searched in the neighboring country. Its operations center, which was already raided by the Bolivian Police, was located on Radial 19, between the third and fourth ring road.

However, homes were also raided in Villa Primero de Mayo and on 2 de Agosto Avenue, where those involved resided. Computers and cell phones were seized and invoices that were issued illegally.

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Santa Cruz

They investigate 12 Bolivian and foreign people, after raids for new cases of cyberextortion and cyber scams

The operations were carried out in the capital of Santa Cruz, where the Police and the Prosecutor’s Office raided several properties where the scammers operated.

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