How did the exchange rate open this June 7, 2024?

How did the exchange rate open this June 7, 2024?
How did the exchange rate open this June 7, 2024?

The price of the dollar in Colombia has experienced significant volatility in recent months, showing a downward trend for certain periods, but its rise cannot be ruled out, since in recent days it has exceeded $3,900, a figure that it did not reach for approximately one month.

Faced with this, there are various doubts that arise, whether it is good or not to invest, what factors affect the price of the dollar is already positive, the range it has maintained between $3,800 – $4,000.

The price of the dollar began the year with a downward trend, reaching below $4,000 Colombian pesos. A significant change when purchasing it with January 2023, when it was between $4,632.20 and $4,800.10.

On the other hand, it has remained relatively stable during the second quarter, oscillating between $3,900 and $4,000 Colombian pesos. However, the upward trend remains latent.

How did the exchange rate open this June 7, 2024?

Last Thursday, June 6, the dollar closed at $3,938.53. This June 7, the Representative Market Rate (TRM) started at $3,950.35

Throughout this week, the dollar showed an increase of +2.01%, equivalent to $77.61 pesos.

Price in exchange offices:

  • They buy: 3,740
  • Do you sell: 3,850

The panorama of the dollar in Colombia

The financial analyst Sebastián Torofounder of the YouTube channel ‘Arena Alfa’, considers that the dollar so far in 2024 has not done much, since it got into the range of $3,800 to $4,000, something that is important for financial hypotheses because measuring the dollar It’s something complicated.

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However, the moment it exceeds the $4,000 Colombian pesosthe alarms would go off due to a possible increase that I achieved to $4,295, the analyst considers.

The expert’s hypothesis is that: “As the risk increases due to the reforms, the Middle East or interest rates, it rises to $4,000 or $4,100, and then, Tale calms down, it begins to fall to $3,800.”something that has not been far from the reality so far this year.

Comparing the currency in Chile, Brazil and MexicoToro affirms that the dollar in Colombia is aligned with the region, it neither rises nor falls much.

“It is not worth making bets or inventing whether the dollar is going up or down if it has maintained a range”he claimed.

The price of the dollar in Colombia is influenced by external and internal factors. The evolution of the global economic situation, the monetary policy of the FED and the internal demand for dollars will be determining factors for its behavior.

It is expected that the price of the dollar in Colombia will continue to fluctuate in the short and medium term, due to the uncertainty in the global economic outlook. Being attentive to the evolution of this currency is important because it can affect your purchasing power and your investments.

Raúl Ávila, professor of Economics and Regulation at the National University, assured ‘Valora Analitik’ that it is a good time to invest when the currency is at a low price.

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