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A hypermarket transformed into homes, an idea for the city of the future

A group of Architecture students from the Blas Pascal University presented an innovative final year project that seeks to transform a large commercial area located in the western area of ​​the city of Córdoba into a multifunctional space.

The authors of the project, architects Carolina Cipolat, Valentina Marveggio and Juan Taranto, under the guidance of teachers Jorge Taberna and Carolina Alberto, propose the creation of future architectural skeletons adapted to new ways of living and commerce.

The project focuses on the reinterpretation of infrastructures that could become obsolete in the not-too-distant future, anticipating the global trend of the decline of in-person shopping, which will leave large commercial structures empty.

The project proposes the transformation of a commercial surface into a space for housing and multiple uses (La Voz).

The proposal involves the refunctionalization of the property to create an audiovisual production center, a recreational park and housing-workshops.

The audiovisual production center responds to the growing demand for digital content, both in the national and international markets, promoting the creation of entertainment, e-commerceand distance education.

The project proposes the transformation of a commercial surface into a space for housing and multiple uses (La Voz).

The recreational park seeks to provide necessary green areas, promote urban microclimates and encourage social integration through interactive and educational spaces.

The home-workshops, designed with flexibility and adaptability in mind, respond to the new ways of living that emerged post-pandemic, considering factors such as working from home and the integration of leisure spaces. These homes will be integrated with the activities of the audiovisual center, creating a cohesive and dynamic environment.

The project proposes the transformation of a commercial surface into a space for housing and multiple uses (La Voz).
The project proposes the transformation of a commercial surface into a space for housing and multiple uses (La Voz).

The proposal includes sustainability strategies, such as the reuse of abandoned land, the implementation of solar panels and walkable green roofs.

In addition, characteristic envelopes were designed for each orientation, ensuring well-lit and ventilated spaces, improving environmental quality and efficient use of energy.

The project proposes the transformation of a commercial surface into a space for housing and multiple uses (La Voz).
The project proposes the transformation of a commercial surface into a space for housing and multiple uses (La Voz).

This project seeks not only to revitalize a disused space, but also to generate a positive impact on the community, promoting social integration and urban sustainability.

The project proposes the transformation of a commercial surface into a space for housing and multiple uses (La Voz).
The project proposes the transformation of a commercial surface into a space for housing and multiple uses (La Voz).
The project proposes the transformation of a commercial surface into a space for housing and multiple uses (La Voz).
The project proposes the transformation of a commercial surface into a space for housing and multiple uses (La Voz).
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