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They find what could be the largest rock engravings in history; They create an electrical stimulator, Kononenko will become the first human to spend more than a thousand days in space › Noticien › Granma

They find what could be the largest rock engravings in history; They create an electrical stimulator, Kononenko will become the first human to spend more than a thousand days in space › Noticien › Granma
They find what could be the largest rock engravings in history; They create an electrical stimulator, Kononenko will become the first human to spend more than a thousand days in space › Noticien › Granma

As a result of a collaborative project, researchers from the Colombian University of Los Andes and Bournemouth University and University College London, in the United Kingdom, found, in a navigable stretch of the Orinoco River, located on the border between Colombia and Venezuela, what could be the largest rock engravings discovered to date in the world. According to the review of the discovery, published in the academic journal Antiquity, most of the immense images represent snakes, birds and other animals, as well as human figures, whose size varies from 25 to 40 meters in length, with an approximate age of the order of a thousand to 2,000 years. Scientists estimate that these manifestations of rock art were probably used for the purpose of delimiting borders…

Specialists from the Neuroscience Center of Cuba, in collaboration with the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery and the José Antonio Echeverría Technological University of Havana, created a transcutaneous electrical stimulator for the treatment of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy, that is, they do not respond normally. favorable to the indicated medications. Called Estep, the equipment is personalized and easy to use, it is powered by batteries and the results of the clinical trial that led to obtaining the Health Registry issued by the Center for State Control of Medicines, Equipment and Medical Devices in mid-2023, were satisfactory, achieving a significant reduction in the monthly frequency of epileptic seizures in 83.33% of the patients. With the development of the aforementioned device, the national Health system is provided with an effective technology for this disease, not available until now in the country…

About to turn 60 years old, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko has just become the first human to spend more than a thousand days in outer space. According to the report released by the Russian space agency Roscosmos, Kononenko achieved that record during his fifth trip to the International Space Station, which he arrived in September of last year, aboard the Soyuz MS-24 spacecraft. According to the source itself, the Russian cosmonaut’s long stay outside of Earth will allow scientists to learn more about the physiological effects that this causes on the human body, such as muscle degeneration, decreased bone mass, and worsening of the vision. Kononenko plans to finish his current mission on September 23.

Photo: Internet


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