In this neighborhood of Cúcuta they request that Tránsito intervene in illegal ‘piques’

In this neighborhood of Cúcuta they request that Tránsito intervene in illegal ‘piques’
In this neighborhood of Cúcuta they request that Tránsito intervene in illegal ‘piques’

The dangerous ones bites that involve motorized vehicles and that the traffic authorities have not been able to control in Cúcuta, are now not only practiced illegally in the road ring but they began to alter the tranquility of the neighborhood communities Santander and Juan Atalaya.

The community of the first neighborhood, in the commune 10is tired of having to walk in fear along its roads due to the improper use that some motorists are giving to its streets.

According to residents of the area, 20th Avenue has become a traffic jam zone for motorists over the last six months.

This situation has not only disturbed the tranquility of the inhabitants but has also left them exposed to accidentssince condominiums, homes and some commercial establishments are located around this avenue.

“There have already been several accidents, eight months ago a woman was run over and the authorities do nothing. We have called the police and the only thing they answer is that they do not have authority in this matter, that this corresponds to Transit,” commented a resident of the sector.

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On the other hand, the community announced that these activities have become a problem, because they are carried out frequently.

“From four in the afternoon the boys begin to arrive on motorcycles and take over the road, they are abusing the speed, they compete and juggle with their motorcycles,” said Alfredo Montoya, a resident of the sector.

Security measures

Edgar Patiñopresident of the JAC of Santander He stated that this problem was exposed to former Transit Secretary Albeiro Bohórquez, who went to the area and suggested the installation of speed bumps to put an end to this problem.

But upon leaving his position, Patiño assures that they were once again at the expense of these motorists.

Faced with this fact, The opinion contacted him Major Geovanni Chávez chief of police Cúcuta Transitwho stated that controls have been established sporadically in different areas of the city to prevent these situations from continuing to occur.

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