The UNC signed an agreement on job training and inclusion

UNC authorities and provincial officials at the signing of the agreement.

The Social Advisory Council (CSC) of the National University of Córdoba (UNC) signed last Friday “Manifesto for lifelong education and training for work”committing to building a more inclusive educational system.

The CSC presented its progress in thematic tables on job training and continuing education, highlighting the importance of addressing the challenges of technological change. With this, they laid the foundations for a common agenda in education and work, focusing on the importance of continuous training, adaptability and inclusion as fundamental pillars for personal and professional development in a constantly changing world. “The signing of the manifesto represents a milestone in the search for consensus and concrete actions to build a more equitable educational and labor system adapted to current demands”the body highlighted in a statement.

The rector of the UNC, Jhon Boretto, participated in the event; the vice-rector, Mariela Marchisio; the executive director of the CSC, Carla Giacomelli; former CEO Brenda Austin; members of the CSC; the Secretary General of the UNC, Daniel Lago; the Minister of Social Development and Employment Promotion of the Province of Córdoba, Laura Jure; among others.

Key objectives include ensuring quality education for the university community, promoting continuous training, closing the digital divide and strengthening the connection between education and work. Brenda Austin, former executive director of the CSC, highlighted gender diversity and its representation of different sectors and generations.

The Council’s quest is evident in its call to action for a more inclusive educational system adapted to present and future demands. The CSC proposals aim to improve employability and professional development in an environment of accelerated change. They highlight the importance of lifelong education as a key to facing current challenges.

The manifesto aims to achieve consensus and concrete action on educational and labor matters in the region. A positive impact on the university community and society in general is advocated.

Inclusion is reflected in its approach to ensuring learning opportunities for all, regardless of age or socio-economic and cultural background. The horizon is the construction of a fairer educational system adapted to current needs.


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