Dismembered body of missing citizen found in Gerona, Isle of Youth

Dismembered body of missing citizen found in Gerona, Isle of Youth
Dismembered body of missing citizen found in Gerona, Isle of Youth

Editorial of CubitaNOW ~ Monday June 10, 2024

The increase in violence and insecurity in Cuba has become a growing concern for its citizens. A tragic example of this reality is the case of Adrián Pérez, a citizen reported missing on May 29. His family last saw him on Friday, May 24, and since then they have been searching for him in the hope of finding him alive. Unfortunately, his body was found dismembered, which has caused great consternation among those close to him.

The murder of Adrián Pérez has not only shocked his family and friends, but has also highlighted the alarming increase in violent crimes in the country. To this day, the person(s) responsible for this heinous crime remain at large, and his loved ones are demanding justice.

This case is not an isolated incident. In recent years, Cuba has experienced a significant increase in violence and crime. Citizens express concern about the lack of security and the effectiveness of law enforcement. The perception of impunity and insufficient resources to confront crime have exacerbated the feeling of insecurity.

Violence in Cuba has taken various forms, from robberies and assaults to more serious crimes such as the murder of Adrián Pérez. Social media has played a crucial role in the dissemination of these incidents, revealing a reality that is often not reflected in official media.

The family and friends of Adrián Pérez, like many other victims of the growing wave of violence, are crying out for justice. They urge authorities to intensify their efforts to find those responsible and prevent future violence.

It is imperative that Cuban authorities recognize and address the growing insecurity. Implementing effective measures to combat crime and ensure the safety of citizens is essential to restoring public trust and ensuring a safer environment for all.

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