Two citizens who were missing in La Guajira were found dead

Since last week, it was learned that two people who lived in the department of La Guajira were missing. one in the Dibulla municipality to the north of La Guajira and the other in a rural area of ​​its similar Fonseca, in the south.

The first to disappear from the family nucleus was, Alberto Pimienta Mobilebetter known as ‘Male’ who had mental problems; whom they stopped seeing since Monday, June 3. His family immediately brought the situation to the attention of the authorities, just as they began their search throughout the municipality.

Then they made a poster with a photo of ‘Macho’ which they distributed physically and on social networks. On the morning of this holiday Monday, a farmer saw the corpse in a state of decomposition near Maziruma and notified family members and authorities.

The other anguish was experienced by the relatives of Enzo Amith Toncel Guerraa motorcycle taxi driver by trade, who had disappeared since noon this Saturday, June 8, being constantly searched for by family, friends and colleagues from the activity from which he supported his family.

One day after his absence, spurious information was spread indicating that the body had been found shot in a pasture in the rural area of ​​Fonseca, near the place where the motorcycle and carriage were found, inside the stream. Masterban on the borders between the paths of Wheat and Cañaboba.

Relatives of Toncel Guerra, the Police and the judicial investigation section, Sijín, went to the place where he was supposed to be and managed to verify that everything was a false alarm. Today, a holiday Monday, a dead man was seen in an area adjacent to the ‘Sierra de Los Brito’.

The body had apparent signs of torture and was tied to the banks of the road that connects the towns of Guayacanal and Deep Well in the jurisdiction of the municipality of Barrancas, as indicated by his housemate Yinelca Pitre because of the clothing he was wearing corresponds to Enzo, or ‘Guaya’ as his guild comrades nicknamed him.

The versions about his death are imprecise, because according to the authorities, it was not to rob him, because the mototaxi with which he earned his daily sustenance, they did not even loot it; That is, it is presumed that the causes are others that the authorities must investigate.

It is necessary to remember that the victim was the younger brother of Irma Toncel Guerraa woman who with her husband Emigdio Oñate Arrietaallegedly burned to death on April 13, 2024 in their own residence located on 14th Street and 22nd Street in the Alto Prado de Fonseca neighborhood.

You may also be interested in: Couple dies from asphyxiation in Fonseca

The removal of the bodies was carried out by two commissions of the criminalistics unit of the Technical Research Corps, CTI who transferred them to the forensic medicine morgue in the border municipality of Maicao, where the equipment to perform these types of autopsies is located.

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