The governors of Together for Change asked that the Bases Law and the fiscal package be approved

The governors of Together for Change asked that the Bases Law and the fiscal package be approved
The governors of Together for Change asked that the Bases Law and the fiscal package be approved

The governors of Together for Change asked that the Bases Law and the fiscal package be approved

The 10 governors of Together for Change They asked for the approval of the Base Law and the tax package. They did so this Monday, through an official statement, in which they supported two of the main objectives of Javier Milei’s government. “Any delay that may occur in the legislative process can affect not only national finances, but also provincial finances,” the provincial leaders expressed in the text.

The support of the representatives of Chaco, Chubut, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Mendoza, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Fe and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, aims to “give the national government the tools to advance with the transformations that the majority of Argentine society voted for.”

“There is no more time to lose. The majority of the provinces have expressed their support for the instruments required by the President of the Nation and the national government,” they emphasized.

In the same sense, they highlighted: “We need to give a clear signal to the markets, the world and the Argentines that our country is moving towards fiscal balance, betting on private investment and modernizing its labor system.”

The statement from the provincial leaders who supported President Javier Milei

“All these axes have found a majority consensus between the ruling party and a sector of the constructive and dialogic opposition“, highlighted Jorge Macri, Leandro Zdero, Ignacio Torres, Gustavo Valdés, Rogelio Frigerio, Carlos Sadir, Alfredo Cornejo, Marcelo Orrego, Claudio Poggi and Maximiliano Pullaro.

For its part, the Office of the President reported that “To accelerate this process of economic recovery, it is essential that Congress approve the Bases Lawin order to release the productive force of the inhabitants of the Argentine Nation.”

This occurs in a context where the Wednesday June 12 The Senate will begin the debate the Base Law and the fiscal package, which is expected to be agitated due to the disagreement of some blocks of the “dialogue” opposition with certain articles of the projects. Despite the fact that La Libertad Avanza obtained the majority opinion for both issues to be discussed in the venue, there are spaces that are analyzing grouping together to force more changes to the official initiative, such as excluding Aerolíneas Argentinas and Correo from the list of companies to privatize.

Furthermore, there are still discrepancies regarding the restoration of the fourth category of the income tax, after the Government did not agree to exempt the Patagonian provinces from this tax, which refuse to incorporate this tax again. That is why the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francosplans to stay in Argentina to closely follow the development of the session in the Upper House, appealing once again to his character as a good negotiator.

A key Parliamentary Labor meeting will take place this Monday to avoid a chaotic session in the Senate. (Franco Fafasuli)

The meeting will take place this Monday at 6 p.m. in the Senate, where the vice president and head of the Upper House, Victoria Villarrueland his work team will meet with representatives of the ruling party and the entire opposition to define the debates on the Bases Law and the fiscal package, which will be discussed on Wednesday.

For the organization of the session, La Libertad Avanza is in a marked minority. For this reason, they will need – as in the Deputies – all the help of the dialogue opposition, which Javier Milei does not stop vilifying. In that sense, the ruling party will survey the entire “dialogue” opposition before the key meeting of Parliamentary Labor and, with this, neutralize the proposals that will be brought by Kirchnerism, which in the Senate is led by José Mayans from Formosa.

The voting system is more agile than in Deputies, although The Base Law has 10 titles and 30 chapterswhile The fiscal package is eight titles and 16 chapters. The two initiatives had last night, for their general discussion, between 37 – quorum – and 38 confirmed wishes. It remains to be seen what Martín Lousteau will do in that instance, as will his benchmate Maximiliano Abad. The Buenos Aires native and former provincial deputy entered a bubble of silence last week, waiting for more negotiations.

Tugs still persist on articles that today are, in a particular vote, on the side of defeat. It would not be by two-thirds, so the Lower House could insist on the original version. Meanwhile, the block heads and authorities define the organization of the venue, the times of speeches and various scenarios to avoid chaotic meetings.

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