They inaugurated a patio that promotes the well-being of children with cancer – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

They inaugurated a patio that promotes the well-being of children with cancer – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
They inaugurated a patio that promotes the well-being of children with cancer – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

The first patio of the “Patios That Heal the Soul” project was inaugurated this Monday at the Public Maternal and Child Hospital, intended mainly for children and adolescents receiving Oncological treatment and those who transit the Pediatric Critical Care Area.

In this first phase of the project, emphasis was placed on creating a welcoming and safe environment that helps reduce stress levels and improve the quality of life of patients and families.

During the event, the Minister of Public Health, Federico Mangionehighlighted the great work carried out by the hospital Foundation, which was created when he was Manager, and through which the necessary funds were obtained to make the doctor’s idea Doris Flores Today it is a reality, after 4 years of work.

Mangione emphasized the achievements of the foundation from its work in the pandemic to the sale of bingo that allows funds to be raised to improve the quality of life of patients with works: “I feel proud to be part of this and it is the collaboration of the governor also”.


For his part, the president of the Foundation, Alberto Robredoexpressed his deep gratitude to all the people of Salta, highlighting their commitment and solidarity.

The inauguration of the first patio marks the beginning of an initiative that will transform passage through the hospital by creating these more human hospital spaces.

During the ceremony, awards were presented to the project’s architect, Federico Cajal; to the president of the Hope Foundation, Guadalupe Colque; to the artists and relatives of patients who were part of the project.

After the inauguration, the project will continue with the construction of a patio for pregnant women, thus providing a space of tranquility and comfort during one of the most important moments of their lives.

The success of this first stage of the project fills everyone involved with optimism, who see these spaces for meeting and reflection as a unique opportunity to promote mental health and comprehensive well-being.

Projects “Patios that heal the soul”

The project “Patios that heal the soul” aims to transform the hospital patios into outdoor spaces that contribute significantly to the recovery and treatment of patients.

In addition, these spaces are designed to promote the emotional and psychological well-being of hospital workers, directly impacting the quality of care they provide.

Solidarity Bingo

The Maternal and Child Public Hospital Foundation and the Hospital board launched the second solidarity bingo to benefit the hospital, with a cost of 5,000 pesos per card.

This initiative seeks to raise funds for “humanized architecture” projects called “Patios that heal the Soul”, aimed at improving the quality of life of patients, families and staff of the institution.

The funds raised will go toward completing the hospital’s second patio, designed specifically for pregnant women.

The draw will take place on Sunday, June 23, with live broadcast on radio and television. The prizes include 115 million pesos in cash, 5 motorcycles, 10 bicycles, 5 refrigerators with freezers, 5 hot/cold air conditioners, 5 Smart TVs and 10 microwaves.

The cards to participate can be purchased at authorized stores, official sales stands distributed throughout the province, and online through the page.

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